Jared's Friend - Part Four (final)

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About a six month time jump. You are Jensen's girlfriend now, and attending your first convention as a panelist. You are pretty nervous. But it goes well.

-Written from the point of view of 'Alivia'.

-Shorter than the previous two.

-Will follow partial panels (made up obviously) of Alivia, Jensen and then a group panel.

I was doing my panel. I was going first, then Misha. Later it would be Jensen then Jared, and finishing off would be a group panel of us four. To say I was nervous would be a gross understatement. These guys are so great with crowds and fans. I'm still getting used to people knowing who I am, and making comments about my relationship with Jensen. We've been together for six months now, made public four months ago.

Jensen stood back stage with me as I braced myself to go on stage. I was pulling at my fingers and he chuckled before kissing the side of my head. "You'll do great, baby. And if they start getting... not nice or out of control or whatever, either the people in charge will step in with a distraction, or Misha will come out and 'crash your panel' alright? It'll be great."

I took a deep breath as they started to get the crowd's attention. I nodded, "Yeah, okay. Thanks, babe. I'm nervous is all." "Push through. We're all just people." He kissed my cheek one more time, then they were calling me onto the stage.

The lights on the stage were really bright, blocking out the details of people, but I could hear them clapping and cheering. I waved and smiled. I was handed a microphone, then I sat on the stool they had center stage.

I introduced myself, thanked them for coming, and made the comment that I was nervous since this is my first time with a live audience. Then I started with the questions.

"Hi, so I saw a picture of you with Jared when you guys were really young. How long have you known him?" "Hi, great question. Uh, I have had the joy of being friends with Jared since I was four years old and he was five." The audience awed. "Yeah, many years of torturing each other under our belts." "Thank you." She said sweetly. We all clapped and I turned the other way for the next question.

"First, I wanted to say that I really like you and Jensen together." "Thank you very much." I commented when she paused slightly. "I was wondering, when did you two meet and was it love at first sight?" I couldn't help but laugh a little before answering. "I met Jensen when they finished filming season three, and I went to go see Jared. It was not love at first sight, I wouldn't say. We were friends, for a long time before anything romantic happened between the two of us. But at least on my part there was always a draw to him, like this interest and attraction."

"If you could do a romance scene with Dean, would you do it given your relationship with Jensen off-screen?" I giggled and pushed my hair back. I got up to get a drink of water. "Honestly, I don't think that I would. I love the relationship that Dean and Layla have. It would be fun, because who doesn't love a romantic and hot Dean scene?" The crowd all cheered, and I swear I heard Misha and Jared laughing loudly. "But I think the on-screen relationship we have is great, and doesn't need to mirror what we have off-screen. Besides, it's not as much fun to film those kinds of scenes as you might thing. It's actually very awkward."

Before I knew it I was given a five minute warning.

"Alright, so I think we only have time for a couple more questions before they kick me out of here and bring you Misha." I said and turned to my left.

"I wanted to come up and tell you that you are very beautiful." A man's voice said. I could only see the shadow of him. "Aw, well thank you. That's very sweet of you to say." "I was just wondering... If you weren't with Jensen..." I already didn't like where this was going. I glanced at the entrance to back stage nervously. ".. would you ever consider going on a date with a fan?" "Oh wow. Um, if things weren't the way they are with Jensen, I don't see why not. But, I am very much a happily taken woman."

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