Cute Q/A's

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I randomly think about things my boyfriend says about me, and like what it'd be like to have Jensen say them about his fiancé. So here is a few I meshed into one panel.

Being engaged to Jensen and you guys get questions about your relationship during a panel at a convention.

Warnings: none?

I was sat next to Jensen on the stage, this weekend has been a little tough on me. I've got a sinus infection, as well as an ear infection. But I'm not going to miss out on being at the convention, this is one of my favorite parts of this job.

Jensen and I got engaged about four months ago, and people have been really sweet for the most part.

"Hi, my question is for Jensen." Jared pouted, but Jensen stuck his chest out with pride and smiled, "Hi there."

"What is something that you find absolutely adorable about your fiancé?" He looked my way and smirked before looking back at everyone watching us.

"Just about everything, honestly. Have you seen her? Met her? But uh... so she's sick right now, as we have mentioned and I'm sure you can hear it in her voice." I interrupted, "That's why I've kept my distance a little more this weekend, I'm sorry about that." I added; I really do feel bad for not putting more of myself into this. But I haven't had the energy to do anything extra.

"See? She's pretty congested. Her sick voice? Aw, oh my God it kills me. Her plugged up little nose makes her sound so cute." He gushed like a love-struck teenager.

Jared nodded along as he sat between us. "It's true that he adores it. And I will say, it's pretty funny to watch what being sick does to her. She's usually tiny little miss independent. But her sounding all sick, and the way she says 'Jeeeeenseeeeen' with her stuffy nose? He freaking melts and says 'Yes baby?' Like oh my God.." Jared fake gagged making me punch his shoulder playfully and Jensen laughed. "Don't tease the tiny ones man, you should know that well by now between her and Gen."

One of the fans looked at me, "You and Jensen both say you are accident prone. What is the craziest or most random way you have gotten hurt or injured yourself?"

I laughed a little, Jensen didn't seem amused, but Jared chuckled evilly. "Uh, are we talking on set specifically or in general?" I asked. "Either, or both." She responded happily.

Jensen laughed and sighed, "Well she does it all the time, truly. She is an injury magnet, though it's not usually anything too crazy." He said shaking his head at me. "Okay, so... on set I was messing with one of Dean's guns... and got a nasty slide bite. Needed two stitches on my finger." I commented, remembering that one right away.

Jensen nodded, "Freaked all of us the hell out. We weren't even dating at the time but I was freaking out. She barely even reacted, just this tiny little squeak. I looked over, because you know everything she did had my attention at this point, and there's blood gushing out, dripping on the floor and she goes 'Oops'. And freaking floored me with how cute it was. Everyone's rushing over to her, someone handed her gauze, and we're all freaking out because there's so much blood. She starts laughing, I mean she had a couple tears, but she was laughing!" Jensen said dramatically, acting like I was a crazy person then started laughing.

 She starts laughing, I mean she had a couple tears, but she was laughing!" Jensen said dramatically, acting like I was a crazy person then started laughing

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Well, I mean... come on, who gets hurt on a damn prop gun?" I asked.

"You apparently." He fired back with that perfect smirk.

"Fair enough. Um, in real life though...." I had to stop and laugh as the story came to me, earning an unamused glare from Jensen; I'm sure a hundred things went through his mind. "When we moved into our house last year, I was really geeked. It has these gorgeous wood floors, so naturally I was sliding all over the place. Well, from the kitchen to the like family room/ den area there's like five steps. I slid too far and fell down said steps. Broke my ankle and middle finger, and bruised up my face pretty bad in four spots."

"Again.... freaked me the hell out. I see her slide over, laughing about how much she just loves our new house. Like, baggy old hoodie of mine, shorts and tall tube socks, hair a hot mess of a bun. Then she yells 'SHIT!' and I see her go over the edge, and like tumble roll down, trying to catch herself. I run over in a panic and try to pick her up and she goes, 'Sorry honey, I'm just so clumsy'. And just shrugs it off!"

I nodded with another shrug. "When you get hurt as often as I do, you learn to laugh at the pain so you don't cry."

"Boys, when did you know your fiancé was the one for you?"

Jensen cracked a big ole smile, one that crinkled his eyes but made his eyes shine from across the room. "So, she does not know this. I knew that I was in trouble, and thought she was just the cutest most perfect person for me before we even started dating. I hadn't even kissed her yet."

I was shocked. I definitely did not know that so I turned to look at him, I rested my chin on my hands.

He chuckled and shook his head at me. "We first started like... hanging out together more as just the two of us during the filming of season two. And uh, we had like movie marathon nights, bar hopping nights, just fun stuff where we spent time getting to know each other without other people around; *cough* Jared" He said looking over at Jared. We all laughed.

"Anyway. Uh, one night we decided to have a scary movie marathon. Now, she is a huge scary movie lover, from the old cheesy ones to the newer actually scary ones. The only thing that usually gets to her is the jump scares. I cannot even remember the movie right now, but she was on edge the entire time. I could just feel it. This one part comes on and she jumps, let's out this adorable squeak of a scream, and hides her face into my chest." People awed, and he made his cute 'I know right?' face.

"The rest of the night she is like glued to my side. So, fast forward a couple hours and we have been drinking, and it's like two in the morning so I tell her to just sleep over in my guest room. About half an hour later I was walking around, checking all the windows and doors, grabbing a drink of water. As I walk back past the guest room I hear like... muffled music. So I knock, no answer. I knock again, also nothing. So I open the door... this 22 year old is sitting cross-legged on the bed, wrapped up in a blanket watching The Little Mermaid." People laughed, awed and cheered. He nodded, with a big smile.

"Now, I'm confused but also like 'Oh

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Now, I'm confused but also like 'Oh. My. God. She's freaking adorable.' She looks up at me and blushes before saying so damn softly, 'I didn't want to have nightmares. Wanna join me?" People exploded. He paused and covered his heart, making that emotional face then nodded, "Yeah I know, right? God, it hit me like a train. I was instantly like, holy shit she is perfect and I'm so screwed. About a week later I kissed her, and within a month I asked her to be my girlfriend."

I pouted my lips, "Awe, aren't you just a little sweetie." Jared pretended to gag again, "Oh, because you were any less sappy and in puppy-dog love?" I asked looking over at him. He chuckled and held up his hands, "Alright. That's a very nice point."

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