Like Uncle Jared

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You are married to Jensen, with a toddler daughter; you're 3 months pregnant with baby number 2 (barely mentioned). You get a cute picture and video of her, then visit the guys at a convention.

Warnings: None. Fluffiness only.

Jared is one of my and Jensen's daughter's favorite people. That's her 'Unca Jare'. She's two and a half and adores him almost as much as she does her daddy.

We were getting ready in our hotel room, because we are at a convention for her daddy's show. She was cracking me up as she looked through her outfits and things; she's like a tiny adult.

She saw one of her beanies that Jared got for her, and she pointed to it. "I wanna wear it. Like Unca Jare." I nodded with a smile, "Alright, Ellery. Let's get it on you then." I grabbed it and helped her put it on.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She was so damn cute.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture, then started recording her

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I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture, then started recording her. "Hey, Elle? What did you just pick out to wear?"

She smiled up at me, those blue eyes shining brightly as she touched her beanie. "My hat."

"And why did you pick that?" She giggled that angelic giggle and clasped her hands together, "Cause it's like my Unca Jare's."

I stopped the video and scooped her up. "You are so stinkin' cute, Elle."

I posted the picture, with the video being the second part, and tagged Jensen in it. 'Ms. Ellery picked out her accessory today. Scroll to hear what she said her inspiration was.'

Then we went to go find Jensen and Jared. They were already working, but Jensen was going to have a small bit of time soon to spend time with her.

She held my hand as we got on the elevator with Cliff. She high fived him with a big ole grin; she loves Cliff too, and I'm pretty sure he's wrapped around her finger too.

We got to the green room and Gen was there with Tom and baby Shep. Ellery went to play with Tom, so I sat with Gen. "Hey girl, that video was so adorable." I laughed at her comment, "Yeah, I thought so too. I love how much she loves him."

She smiled and played with Shep's hair as he slept on her. "It truly is adorable to see the relationships between the small kids and the big ones we married." I laughed loudly at her joke.

I pulled up my post as I sat with her and people had been really sweet. They also loved how much Ellery loves Jared, and how much his boys love Jensen.

Even Gen had commented on it.
Gen: So cute! I love that she wants to dress like her Unca Jare... though maybe that's all she should learn from him.
Username: So adorable! They have the cutest little girl!
Username: I love how she says 'Unca Jare' and sounds so happy.
Jensen: Awe, my beautiful girl. Please don't aspire to be like him, pretty please? But damn that melted my heart, it's misty over here. I love you, princess.
Jared: Jensen is just jealous his kid wants to be like me instead of him! I love you, Elle! See you soon!

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