Surprise with kids

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I'm posting this with no editing because I'm drunk. But enjoy this short little cute Jensen one shot with kids.

You have kids with Jensen and he mixes up being able to come home. So you find a way to fix it.

Warnings: none? Cute, shorter than usual.

I was at home with my kids waiting for our daily video-call with Jensen. He's been gone for four weeks, and both kids are really starting to miss him. Harrison is almost three, and Grace is seven months old.

We are still cuddled up in my and Jensen's bed in our pajamas. Harrison was a little clingy and asked if we could just cuddle today. Of course I agreed, because I love these moments and don't know how much longer he will be such a mama's boy.

The video-call sound went off and Harrison got excited, and Grace turned her head. They both know that the sound means their daddy is calling us.

I smiled as I held my phone out some so they could both see him. "Hi, daddy!" Harrison yelled with that grin that is a photo copy of his dad's smile.

Jensen's smile was huge, "Hey, little man. Hi, Gracie .Hi, beautiful." "Hey, Jay. How are you?" He chuckled, "You know, I was kind of bummed, but man... you guys cheered me right up already. Are you still in bed?" "Yeah! Lazy day!" Harrison answered.

I nodded along. "Lucky you. I wish I could be there with you." He said sadly and rubbed his face. "We do too, honey. Only a couple more days, right?"

His face dropped. Shit. That's a no, meaning something changed or came up. "We uh, actually have a convention this weekend that totally got put on my schedule in the apartment wrong. I'm so sorry. So, it's going to be a few weeks."

He looked distraught. I smiled softly. "Oh. Well, that's alright, honey. We will be fine, I promise. Don't worry about it too much."

Grace looked at the phone and reached for it, "Daadaadaa." She babbled. We all smiled, "Gracie say hi." Harrison said, rubbing her messy hair. I moved the phone closer. "Hi my sweet girl. I love you." Jensen said sweetly. "Dada." She said happily and clapped her hands.

Jensen sighed, so I turned it toward myself and smiled. "I'm real sorry that I can't come home." He sounded like he might cry. Harrison climbed on my shoulders with a giggle. "It's okay. We know you're working. We know you love us, and will be home when you can." He slightly smiled, "I love you so much, you're the best."

After a little while he had to go. It was time for lunch for us then Grace's nap time.

I went to play with Harrison. I grabbed one of his favorite trucks and he sort of paused and looked at me blankly. "Do you want to play trucks with me, bud?" I asked softly. He shook his head slowly and his lower lip pouted out.

"Oh, bud, what's wrong?" I dropped the truck and moved closer to him to hug him. "That's daddy's truck." He informed me, still looking like he might cry. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want to pick a truck out for me?"

He shook his head, "Okay. What do you want to do, Harrison? It's you and me." "I want my daddy." I broke and cried.

I squeezed him a little tighter to me as I rubbed his back. "I'm sorry that daddy's gone, buddy. I love you. Do you want to watch a daddy video?" He wiped his eyes and nodded at me.

I pulled my phone out then opened the folder of videos Jensen and I made for the kids, and let Harrison pick which one he wanted to watch.

I smoothed his hair as he settled to watch it on my lap. After that one he turned on a second one, cuddling tighter to me. About mid-way through it he was asleep.

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