Stalker Fan

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Being engaged to Jensen, then leaving the show. After running into a weird fan, things get scary as he starts popping up more and more.

Warnings: Stalker, fear, language.

I am wrapping up my time on Supernatural. It has been such an amazing experience. It brought me the most important people in my life; my fiancé and our closest friends.

I giggled as Jensen and I walked out of the restaurant, with Jensen holding my hand. "Hello." I heard behind us. We spun around, and there was a guy about Jensen's age maybe a little older. He smiled at me. "Hi there." I said politely.

His smile grew, "Hi, uh, I'm sorry. I'm Kyle. I'm a huge fan." His eyes stayed on me so I smiled back at him. "It's nice to meet you, Kyle. I'm Adelyn. This is Jensen."

"You are very pretty." He ignored my mentioning of Jensen, and his gaze on me seemed to intensify, making me a little uncomfortable. "Oh. Well, thank you. It was nice to meet you. We have to go now." I said, the vibe was getting more and more awkward by the second. "Right, of course." He nodded.

Jensen put me in front of him as we started walking again, wrapping arms around me. Then, like always, he opened the car door and helped me in.

Once we were driving he grabbed my hand, "That was a little strange." I commented. He laughed as he nodded, "I think you met your first in-love fan, sweetheart."

"Did you see how he was staring at me? It was pretty weird." He shrugged, "Well you are beautiful."

Two weeks later, I was back home in Texas and out doing wedding plans. I came out of a shop and was face-to-face with that fan from Vancouver.

"Adelyn. I hoped I would run into you." His voice sent a chill up my spine. "Oh. Hi, again." I said awkwardly.

He got a bit close for a stranger. "I knew you would remember me." I cleared my throat, "I try to remember my fans once I meet them." I tried to down play remembering him, because it looked like it meant way too much to him for me to remember meeting him.

"Could I take a picture with you? I was too nervous last time." I nodded, "Yeah, of course."

He got someone to to take a picture of us on his camera. Then he turned back to look at me, that same intense gaze from last time. "Thank you. You're my favorite actress."

His big smile made me very uncomfortable. "I am very flattered to hear that. I uh, have to run." "Of course. I'm sure you have other places you need to be." I nodded, "It was nice to see you again." He waved as I walked away, "You too! See you around!"

Once back in the car I called Jensen. "Hey, baby. What's up?" "Hey, handsome. Um, so I'm out doing some wedding stuff, and I'm sort of freaking out." I gushed and took a deep breath.

He laughed, "Having second guesses about marrying me?" "No, God no." I said with a laugh. "Then what, is it just overwhelming.."

"I saw that fan again. The one you teased me is in love with me. It was like he was there waiting for me." I admitted as my hand were shaking a little from the vibe that guy was giving off.

"I'm sure it's a coincidence, baby. Some fans come up around set hoping to see us. Maybe he just happens to live around Austin." I sighed, "I don't know. Maybe I'm over-reacting."

"Okay, baby. If you want to have someone there with you just let me know." "Thanks, for not just calling me crazy. He was even weirder this time, or maybe it felt that way because I didn't have you with me." I said softly, rubbing my face.

He chuckled lightly, "Yeah, I'm sure it was scarier that way, baby." "I can't wait for you to come home next week. Even if it's only for two days."

"I can't either, gorgeous. I miss seeing you every day." He sounded sad. "Me too, Jay." "I have to run. I'll call you again tonight, maybe a video date?" He asked hopefully. "Sounds perfect, honey." "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too."

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