One Night Stand

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You are friends with Jared, and go to visit and meet his co-worker. The night you get there you meet a gorgeous guy in a bar. It's just a one night stand that you'll never see again, or is he?

-Written from the point of view of 'Adelyn/Addie'

Warnings; drinking, language, sexual moments/implications

My best friend Jared started a new show recently. We met on the set of Gilmore Girls - I was only an extra, but when we met we hit if off. Now he is starring in his own show and is so excited about it.

I'm visiting him for a weekend and he wants me to meet his co-star Jensen. He says nothing but good things about his on-screen brother and tells me they're already really close.

Jared was meeting me for lunch tomorrow, but he's busy tonight. I came into town a couple hours ago, and am now at a bar close to my hotel.

There's a really attractive guy on the other end of the bar, and we've made intense eye contact a few times. He's got short light brown hair and a killer smile. My buzz is really getting strong.

He got up and walked over to me after the fourth time we locked eyes. He smiled, "Hi there, what's your name?" I giggled, "Do names really matter? I'm only in town a few nights." He grinned, "I guess not. Can I buy you another drink?" Oh my God, he was so cute. Up close he was absolutely gorgeous. "Sure, if you want."

He got both of us another drink. "So, only here a couple days?" "Yeah, just here visiting, and maybe sight seeing. What about you?" He chuckled and shook his head, "Oh I'm here for a while. Work related." "Well that sounds like fun." I said and took a drink of the drink that was just placed in front of me. He watched me, with lust filling his eyes. "It can be, yeah."

We closed our tabs a little while later, and got a cab to my hotel. I giggled when we got there and pulled him by his hand to go inside.

In the elevator he pulled me against him. I was amazed by how beautiful he was up close. Then his lips were pressing onto mine. It set my entire body on fire. Then the elevator opened on my floor. I lead the way to my room - more excited about this now that I know he's a great kisser.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked when I shut the door. I pulled off my shirt, and watched his eyes scan over my bra covered chest. "I'm very sure. What about you?" He copied my move and took off his shirt. Holy hell he's hot. "Definitely."

Between foreplay, oral, playful moments, and actual sex we were at it over an hour. I was very impressed; especially with both of us being buzzed.

"You can just sleep here if you want, you earned it." I joked as we laid there catching our breath. He laughed and kissed my head sweetly. "You sure? Cause not getting up and leaving sounds great right now." "Yeah, it's fine with me." And I yawned.

In the morning I found myself cuddled into him. I slowly pulled away and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Remembering last night brought a smile to my face.

After a pretty quick shower I dried off and pulled on the robe they provided me with. As I came out he was in only his pants as he hung up his phone; I couldn't help but stare a little.

"Hey, good morning, gorgeous." He smirked. I blushed, "Good morning. How did you sleep?" I asked and sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled on his shirt. "Like a baby. How about you?"

"Solidly, I was worn out." He smiled and let out a small chuckle, as if last night flashed in his head. "Good. Uh, I have to go. That was my friend, we're meeting up for breakfast. Uh, are you still okay?" I smiled and nodded at him. "Yeah, I'm great. You can go. This was really fun."

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