Social Media/Pics

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Here are some random pictures I found; instead of posting a bunch of random tiny chapters I'm going to put a few in a row with the story. They are clearly not Jensen, but I couldn't crop the actual guy's face out of most without ruining the picture... so be creative.

Throughout this you and Jensen met while he was in Austin, and hit it off. You two are making the long distance work; starting in season one.

I giggled as Jensen chased me across the parking lot. I had just thrown a water balloon at him as he left set for lunch. He was now chasing me to hug me and get me wet too. "No!" I squealed as he caught me, his arm wrapping around my waist and lifting me. "Got ya!" He laughed and slowly put me back on my feet. "Fine. Now we're even." He shook his head, "Not even close, sweetheart."

We went to his trailer to grab something to eat together before he had to go back and work more. I'm just here for a few days to visit him because he couldn't get the days off to come home and see me.

After we ate he curled up to me, laying on the couch. "Alright, I only have ten more minutes, baby." I sighed and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. "Then we stay like this for nine of them." He nodded and kissed my head. "Sounds perfect.

Well, we apparently fell asleep. We woke up to Jared telling us to get up. And it turned out he had snapped an adorable picture of us.

 And it turned out he had snapped an adorable picture of us

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We just moved in together in Austin, and he leaves to start filming season two soon. So, we invited people over to celebrate the show and us moving in. Jared came, some of Jensen's family, and some of my friends. I am not really close to my family.

While we all sat around talking I ended up on the floor in front of Jensen, sitting between his legs. He kept pulling me close, holding my hands, and kissing my head and face. It's always like this when he's home, and even more now that we live together.

"Y'all are like grossly cute." Jared joked as we drank later that night. I giggled, "Sorry. We're just really happy right now." He smiled back and shook his head, "It's fine. I like seeing my friend happy. I'm glad you guys found each other."

His sister pulled me aside later and told me she had gotten the perfect picture that I'd want to see. And when she showed me I was in love with it. It caught one of those moments Jared had called grossly-cute. "I love it!" I told her, just staring at the picture.

 "I love it!" I told her, just staring at the picture

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Jensen Ackles One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now