Secret from Jared

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You get caught leaving Jensen's room, by Jared who doesn't know you've been seeing Jensen.

Warnings: language, sexual content (but not smut)

Written from the point of Addie/Adelyn.

I knocked on Jensen's door. He opened it quickly to let me in and pulled me inside. I giggled as he pressed me to the wall. "God, it's so good to have you alone." He mumbled before kissing me eagerly, I felt the same way.

Jensen and I have been secretly seeing each other for nearly three months, and made it official a month ago. But we have wanted it to be our personal business, and not hear people's comments. We haven't even told Jared about us; which is really hard on both of us because he's my best friend too. As far as Jare knows, though, Jensen and I are only friends.

"It was so hard not to hold your hand at dinner, Jensen." I groaned as his lips moved down to my beck, and he chuckled. He kissed my nose softly. I followed him over to his couch.

"I know. It's getting hard to keep my feelings a secret. Especially from Jared." I sighed, "Maybe soon we could tell just him. He loves both of us, I'm sure he'd be happy." He nodded, playing with my hair. "Okay, we can talk about that in a few days... right now, I want you."

I giggled as he pulled his shirt off. I pulled mine off too. I love the way he looks at me when we do this, it's always full of awe. "Sounds perfect to me. Just what I need right now." I leaned over and kissed his chest softly.

Our time together was perfect. We always have amazing sex. This man is just what I need in bed. He always knows exactly what I need, and how to make me feel like nobody else ever has. Plus, besides Jared he's my best friend.

He smoothed my hair, "Addie, you are so damn perfect. Do you know that?" I kissed his jaw, "You tell me all the time, honey." He chuckled, "Good. Let's get a nap before you sneak away from me." I cuddled into him happily. He kissed my head and we both relaxed. I was sleeping soundly pretty quickly having him next to me.

My alarm went off a few hours later, I groaned and kissed his neck softly to wake him up. "Jensen, I should go, honey." He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me on top of him. "Not just yet, baby." He grumbled.

I felt what he meant; he was ready for another round of sex. "Oh, babe, we really don't have..." A moan cut off my words as his lips sucked on my neck. His hands started to drift, and then he kissed me deeply. "Oh, alright. Sounds good to me." "Let's move this to the shower, beautiful." He got up then carried me to the shower eagerly.

I love when we can't seem to stop touching each other. Things get so needy and amazing like this. He treats me like a goddess.

I put my clothes back on, and saw the time. It was nearly 7:30. I usually leave between 6:00 and 6:30 to avoid people seeing me. This was not ideal sneaking time; people are up and going to breakfast and things like that.

"Let's make this the last time you sneak off, baby. Let's tell Jared tonight." Jensen said, still stealing kisses as he spoke. "Really? We could?" I was excited. "If you're ready, yeah."

I opened the door. I always have to be the one to end the conversation, he stalls every time with more kisses. "Yes, I'm ready." He pulled me into a deep, eager kiss. "Alright. Then I will see you later, beautiful." "Later, Jensen." I said with a smile.

I stepped back and let the door close. I couldn't stop grinning like a moron. But as I turned I saw Jared. He was standing there watching us, and he looked pissed. "Really, Addie?"

"Jare, okay... it isn't what you're thinking." I tried to defuse the situation immediately as I took a couple steps toward him. "It looks like you and Jensen spent the night together." I sighed, "Okay, yeah we did. But it isn't just one night..." He raised his eyebrows, so I stepped a little closer to him. "How long?" He asked firmly.

"What?" I played stupid, but I knew what he meant. "How long have you been seeing each other and lying to me then?" I sighed. "We were going to tell you, I swear." "I can't believe this. I'll see you around." And he walked away.

I have never had Jared be mad at me like this. He's never walked away from me angry. We've never even had a fight before, and now of course this is how he finds out about me and Jensen. He has to feel so betrayed that we lied.

I knocked on Jensen's door again. He opened it and raised his eyebrows. "Jared saw us. And now he's mad at me." Tears filled my eyes, making him pull me into a hug.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm sorry, if I had let you leave before the shower he wouldn't have caught us." "He did though, and he's mad. Like really mad." I sniffed, not wanting to cry.

"I'll go talk to him. I'll explain all of it." He offered, looking really concerned to see me upset. "Maybe we should do it together. So we're both there." "Okay, deal. Let's go talk to him."

We went down the hall to Jared's room, and Jensen knocked. When he opened the door he sighed, "Guys, not right now, okay?" "No, not okay. Let us tell you how it happened, and why we didn't tell you before." Jensen said definitively.

Man, it's so hot when he's firm and assertive.

I looked to Jared sadly. He opened the door wider, "Alright, fine."

We sat on his couch, and he sat on a chair. "Jare, first off, I'm sorry we didn't tell you. We were going to tonight, because we have hated not being honest with you." I said softly. He took a deep breath, and nodded.

"That just sounds a little too convenient." "She's telling the truth. We just decided this morning we would tell you tonight after everything." Jensen defended me. So Jared nodded, "Alright, fine. But how long have you two been lying to me and sneaking around?"

"The first night was when we all went out for her birthday." Jensen admitted. "Three months?! Guys, why didn't you tell me?" He sounded so offended.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my still wet hair. "Well, at first because it wasn't more than friends with benefits, so we just kept it to ourselves. Then as it became more we wanted to keep it to ourselves to avoid everyone's opinions on what we were doing." I told him honestly.

"But... she's mine now, Jared. Has been for a month. I care about her a lot. And we wanted to tell you, but you found out in the worst way." Jensen said grabbing my hand in his.

Jared shook his head, but then he smiled at us. "I hate that you guys snuck around and hid it from me. But I think this is great. I'm really happy. I'm sorry for getting mad. But this was a big surprise." He sounded like he meant it.

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