Pregnant from visiting

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You are pregnant, but there is a rumor going around because people don't realize you go visit Jensen in Vancouver.

Warning: Smut, unprotected sex, mean rumor, language.

I am six months pregnant now, with our little boy. I'm also at the convention for the weekend to spend time with Jensen when he isn't working. He's always so busy traveling that I come see him whenever my schedule lets me. He is loving that he gets to show off and rub my pregnant belly.

He was on stage with Jared doing a panel. I love watching their shenanigans when they're together, it's always comical.

"I saw you earlier with Alivia, and her little baby bump." Jensen smiled hugely. Jared gasped and put his hand on Jensen's arm dramatically to grab his attention. "Wait, Liv is pregnant?!"

I giggled as everyone laughed loudly at him. Jensen nodded, "Yeah. Awe, did we forget to tell you? I'm sorry man." Jared pouted, "I feel so left out."

Jensen turned back to the fan, "Sorry about him, he's having feelings. What is your question?" The fan cleared her throat, "How do you feel about the rumors about the baby due to you being gone filming when she got pregnant?"

I think every single person gasped to some extent. That came out of nowhere, I didn't know that there was a rumor.

Jensen's jaw flexed tightly, so Jared jumped in. "Well, that's just as you said, a rumor. And we all, as a group, try to stay away from all that. And uh, just because people assume things it does not make them true."

I shifted awkwardly and rubbed my belly as my boy moved; sensing my mood change I'm sure.

Jensen cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah. We are pretty private guys, and with certain things so is Alivia. Just because you don't see it happening on social media doesn't mean it isn't happening. We don't share too much of our private lives. So, it's not like we're posting pictures every time we see each other just to prove to people that we see each other. And I think what a lot of people don't realize is that even when I'm in Vancouver she visits me. She comes to set, and she stays in my apartment with me. I mean she's my wife, of course we don't actually go nine months without seeing each other; you just don't see it."

I was shocked at the guts of that fan. But my mind wandered back to when and where our son was conceived. It was definitely NOT in Jensen's apartment, but it was in Vancouver.


I took in a deep breath and opened my eyes. I smiled to see Jensen's sleeping face next to me on the couch. Then I realized it was dark, like really dark. We were still in his trailer. I pulled away, making Jensen wake up too.

"What? Oh... shit. What time is it?" I looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 2 in the morning, Jay." He laughed a little, making me giggle. "Well damn, we just fell asleep for seven hours. Nobody must've noticed we were still here."

I got here about nine hours ago, but I was tired and curled up on the couch when he got off work. We must have fallen asleep while we talked.

He kissed me softly, "Well, we're all alone now, baby." I nodded as a small laugh fell off my lips. "We sure are. What should we do while we're all alone?"

He pulled me to him and his hands made their way over my hips. "Do you remember what I said would be the one place of Dean's I'd want to have sex?"

We had talked about that just recently, so of course I remembered. I smiled at him, "Yeah, but what about the night guard?"

His lips attacked my neck and collar bone, earning a soft moan from me as desire rapidly overtook my body. "He should be bored in his booth all the way at the gate. He won't see us."

Jensen Ackles One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن