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August 1980

the Potter residence

              Lily had needed to rest and James was called away. 

"Hello my love," Thea whispered as baby Harry grabbed onto her fingers with his chubby little hands, "hello Harry."

He laughed and gurgled a little bit.

"Yes!" Thea cooed, "hello! Welcome to the world." 

He started to babble a little bit, mostly just moving his mouth around. He grabbed at her hands and her hair and her necklace.

"I know, darling, so many new sights and smells!" Thea cooed, "so many new things." 

She lifted him up and balanced him on her hip as she padded into the kitchen to heat up some milk. Lily tried to breastfeed when she could, but Harry was hungry and Thea was not about to wake her up, so she relied on formula instead. 

Thea carefully poured in the milk and the powder, stirring the steaming liquid while making sure Harry didn't get too close to the flame. 

He was fascinated by it, but how could he not be? It was something so completely new. 

He gurgled and bounced in Thea's arms, trying to get closer to the new thing, but she wouldn't let him. 

"Now, Harry, dear," Thea said softly, "you can't touch this." 

He seemed to respond as his face contorted.

"I know, but it'll hurt you, darling one," Thea continued.

She tested the milk on her wrist and deemed it warm enough for the bouncing baby in her arms. With one hand, she poured it into a bottle and stuck it into Harry's mouth. 

He immediately started to suck on the bottle as Thea carried him to his playpen in the living room. She sat him up as he drank, burped him and then set him on his back. 

She laid down next to him and with the flick of her wrist, the night sky appeared above them. She could see the reflection in his brilliant green eyes. She could see the curiosity of his mother and the go-getter attitude of his father. 

Individually, she brought each constellation forward and explained what each one was and what it meant. She knew he couldn't understand her, but she still felt as though he was listening. 

She'd made the stars that she brought forward able to be held, so Harry grabbed at them and quite literally held the universe in his hands as Thea told him about it. 

It was quite exciting for him, she could see it, so he became quickly tuckered out. She carefully picked him up, minding his head, and placed him in his crib. She read him the book she was currently reading to make sure he was actually asleep. 

When she heard the constant, soft breathing, she stopped reading and just stared at his sleeping figure. 

She smiled softly to herself, leaned down and kissed his forehead. 

FINE LINE, sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now