Swans a-Swimming

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(12/24/20)basically, I made it, so everyone has their own designated wrapping paper, so they don't have to sign who each present is from.

Christmas was almost here, and if someone randomly woke up from a coma that lasted for an unknown amount of time, they would easily be able to figure out what time of the year they were in- because that would definitely be the priority if someone just woke up from a coma.

Anyway, back on track. The whole server had been thrown upon by pure Christmas Spirit, and Impulse was completely here for it.

Despite basically being the dad for Tango and Zedaph(someone had to be, lest more chaos was to ensue), Impulse could be compared to a child when the Christmas season came around.

He was the first to decorate and the last to take the decorations down. People sometimes use the Christmas lights adorning his base as a landmark for finding their way in the darkness of night, as they could be seen through a majority of the server's main area. He played Christmas music from November 1st to January 1st- leaving a day to break for Thanksgiving, of course.

He was always the one to fill the stockings each Christmas Eve, even learning how to make chocolate for an extra surprise.

Impulse even earned the nickname 'Giftpulse' for giving the most gifts and the most extravagant presents; everyone was excited to open the presents wrapped in various yellow shades.

One significant thing that Impulse had accomplished was creating a tradition. Every year, he would give each hermit a different kind of gift on Christmas Eve. It was always a simple gift, although seldom a tangible object; more often than not, it was some sort of service or favor.

This 'special gift' has never been extravagant like most presents, usually something as small as a hug or as big as helping with last-minute shopping. Still, it was always appreciated. The tradition had even become a trend, and a few other hermits had taken up this special Christmas Eve gift-giving as well, such as Scar and Keralis.

This is exactly what he was doing now. He took out his checklist and checked off a name as he flew away from Cleo's base. She asked for help enchanting new netherite armor for Joe for a last-minute gift; Impulse always had a stroke of luck with enchanting that seemed to make the good enchantments always appear.

Impulse read through each name on the list, double-checking which ones he had completed and which he hadn't. After confirming that the list was accurate, he realized that he only had one name left.

Huh, that's odd; i's only around noon. Impulse thought to himself. Usually, the Christmas Eve gift-giving would take all day, though the gifts this year must have been quicker than usual.

Impulse smiled; with this much time on his hands, he had the perfect idea for this final gift.


Impulse approached the small yet well-made base, a smile on his face(as always). He could see Toon Towers faintly in the distance, almost overpowering the unfinished skyscraper.

Raising his hand, Impulse knocked on the door. He had been here many times before, both to drop off advertisement packages and to simply check up on the hermit's well-being, so a visit from him wasn't unusual. To be fair, he could probably walk in unannounced, and it would be perfectly acceptable.

The door opened, not a single creak in the well-oiled hinges. "Impulse! Great to see you here again. Is it Christmas Eve already? I really need to get a calendar..."

Impulse nodded, "It is indeed that time of the year! I hope you are free today because I've got a relaxing day planned for your Eve Gift." He rubbed his hands together.

Tinfoilchef laughed, "Do you even need to ask? I'm always free these days."

"Great! You won't need to bring anything, by the way. The rest of the day will be used for relaxation purposes only. You are not allowed to be stressed." Impulse handed Tfc an AHA drink; he always has one on hand. 

TFC smirked, "Hold on, not only are you letting me drink one of your precious AHA's, but you were the one who offered it in the first place? Who are you, and what have you done with Impulse?"

Shrugging, Impulse turned around and walked away; he motioned for Tfc to follow him, walking at a slow pace so the new amputee could keep up, "Gone, reduced to atoms."

Tfc shook his head, "Whatever."


"These beach chairs are way too comfortable to be real," Tfc stated plainly, reclined in a cushioned beach chair.

Impulse nodded, reclined in his own yellow beach chair. He sipped his eggnog, "You can thank Keralis for that one. Being obnoxiously rich has its perks when it comes to luxury."

"How on earth is he so rich with such a horrible gambling addiction? I don't understand."

"I'm convinced he knows how to make diamonds out of coal artificially."

Tfc closed his eyes and sank into the impossibly comfortable chair. It took all of his willpower not to fall asleep right then and there. Thus far, the day had been filled mostly with chatting, sitting, and occasionally playing a board/card game or two. It was one of the most relaxing days Tfc had in a while.

The two hermits sat in comfortable silence for about another hour before the sky started to turn slightly yellow, meaning they would have to head back in about an hour.

"If I took off my prosthetic leg and swung it at someone, would I be hitting them or kicking them?" Tfc wondered aloud.

Impulse pondered the thought, "I'm not sure, although I am slightly concerned that this was even a thought that crossed your mind."

Tfc opened his eyes and turned to the former, "You're only just now concerned?"


954 words


If you don't celebrate Christmas, then I hope you still have a wonderfully fantastic day filled with happiness, and I hope I got to make your day just a tiny bit better :)


Bye, you beautiful biscottis!

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