Drummers Drumming

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this one actually takes place on Christmas(shush, I know it was like 3 weeks ago, we're just pretending I have decent time management skills)

Wels was the first to wake up on Christmas morning. He was the definition of a morning person, and it was kind of unnerving.

It wasn't uncommon that Wels would wish the latest night owls(Jevin and Etho) good night while they would reply with a good morning. He typically woke up around 5 am without an alarm.

One would think that Bdubs was an early bird because he always goes to bed so early, but no, he just likes to sleep.

However, this had nothing to do with the morning that Wels woke up, for it was Christmas! Everyone woke up early(or at least, they tried to), and all decided to meet at this season's designated meeting room around 8 am. The meeting room was built in the mesa just off spawn, although it didn't encroach(a/nwhoa I spelled that right, and I wasn't even sure if it was actually a word or not) on Ren's base.

Dressed in a dragon onesie, Wels was the first to arrive, carrying a couple of last-minute gifts under his arm. He set the silver-wrapped gifts each in their designated areas. He looked around at the large mass of gifts, ranging from as small as a jewelry box to as large as a dining table. Some were wrapped with care with handmade bows(Stress); others weren't even put into boxes, wrapped sloppily with way too much tape(Grian).

When it came to gift opening, there was no specific order that they were opened(unless the presents were numbered), and there was no organization. They all usually got into their usual groups and opened gifts all at once, excluding any significant gifts that would typically wait for last.

Hung on the mantle of an oddly long temporary fireplace was a stocking for each hermit. Each was empty except for one. Since Wels woke up the earliest every day, it was kind of a given that he would fill the stockings; someone different every year would fill his own.

With a massive grin on his face, Wels took it all in. The place was practically radiating with Christmas cheer, and it was wonderful.


After about two and a half hours(Wels had slept in that day), the hermits were finally there. Xisuma said a few words as a formality, and then the chaos ensued.

Due to the gift wrapping system, it was much easier to figure out which gifts came from who, meaning that everybody knew exactly who gave Zedaph the Nespresso machine.

Most people got a decent amount of the items on their list, although there were plenty of the kinds of gifts you didn't know you wanted but desperately needed.

Wels was opening a bronze-colored present, courtesy of Joe. It was small, about the size of a large book, although don't be discouraged, Joe somehow managed to get the perfect book for everyone; it was a talent. Suddenly, an electric blue hand appeared on his shoulder.

"Hey, bud!" Jevin greeted. Wels looked up from his encyclopedia of weaponry to see him sporting an ugly sweater featuring Christmas slimes, along with a Santa hat perched on his head.

Wels grinned at his blue slime friend, "Hi, Jevin! Have you already opened everything? That was fast."

Jevin nodded, sitting down next to the knight, "Yeah, a lot of nice stuff this year. I got three fidget spinners that looked like my World Six base. Three! Who uses fidget spinners anymore?"

Shrugging, Wels flipped through his new book, "Blame yourself for building one to live in."

"Not intentionally." Jevin rolled his eyes, chuckling, "But anyway, that's not why I came over. I see you still haven't opened my gift yet."

Through his peripheral vision, Wels could see that Jevin was smirking. "Oh, that big box? I'm stalling because I may or may not be a little scared of it." He looked at the large box wrapped in light blue, about the size of a small two-person couch.

"Fair, but open it soon! I want to see your reaction before I die of suspense." Jevin bounced from where he was sitting, and fists curled like a child waiting for a surprise.

"Fine, fine! I'll open it!" Wels paused, "After this next one-"

"Wels!" Jevin whined dramatically.

Wels raised his hands in surrender, "I'm joking!" He giggled, pushing himself to his feet and bracing himself to rip open the paper. Jevin stood as well, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

Finally, he tore the paper open, revealing the dull brown of a cardboard box that was messily taped closed with-

"Duct tape? Really? Jevin, you are the worst kind of person."

Jevin grimaced, although there was a smile on his face. "It was the only tape I had! Did you just expect me to wrap it with the box not taped?"

"Yes. Now is there any scissors...?" Wels looked around him for scissors. Sure, he knew how to rip open duct tape with his bare hands, but there were several layers of the stuff, and he was not messing with that.

After his search coming up empty, Wels cupped his hands around his mouth, "Does anyone have scissors?"

Receiving a chorus of 'No's, Wels rolled his eyes and took out his netherite sword and carefully cut the tape, muttering under his breath, "Literally a day full of gift opening and no one brought scissors?"

"Well, you didn't bring scissors either." Jevin retorted playfully, crossing his arms.

"I didn't- because they- ugh, do you want me to open this or not?" Wels raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Jevin remained silent, gesturing for Wels to continue.

Finally, Wels got the box open. He threw open the cardboard flaps before looking at the object placed inside in awe, "Holy crap. Jevin, you didn't." He looked at the blue slime, eyes widened in astonishment, with the other grinning from ear to ear, "I did."

Using his sword once more, Wels cut away the box from the large, heavy box. Inside was a drum set. The outer sides(I know nothing about drums) were a faintly sparkling red with elaborate details in an electric blue pinstripe that faded into white on the sides. There was also a dusting of white around the details. The bass drum's outer face had details as well, although the face was black with white decorations instead.

It was an exact copy of a picture Wels had shown Jevin months back; he hadn't even been sure if Jevin remembered or not. It was the drumset he had learned his passion on before it was destroyed in a house fire. After that, he had lost his passion for the drums, but Jevin somehow managed to get a brand new set that was identical to the first ones.

Wels was speechless. He studied every detail on the drums, almost in denial that it was actually there.

Meanwhile, Jevin stood there, beaming. He remembered when Wels had told him about his drumming days, and he remembered the whistful look on his face. Even though Wels told him he didn't miss it, he knew otherwise.

Sputtering, Wels tried to form a proper sentence before eventually giving up. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Jevin in a massive hug, which was rare, as neither party was much of a hugger, but that just made it all the more special for both of them(the 12 Days multishots are all platonic).

"Merry Christmas."


1229 words

Ahhhh I'm sorry this took so gosh darn loooong

But I was determined to finish this, so ye

And now, back to your regular scheduled program, I haven't forgotten about the requests, MCC IRL, or the mirror thingymabob, I swear

Bye, you beautiful biscottis!

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