Ladies Dancing

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A certain brunette walked into the base's entryway belonging to one of her best friends, as it didn't have much of a door. Her inventory was empty of everything except for a jukebox, a few rockets, her elytra, and several empty containers. "False, I'm here!" Stress called beaming.

Said blonde peeked around the corner, her blue eyes lighting up when she spotted Stress. False stepped out into the entryway, opening her arms for a hug, which Stress gladly accepted.

"Wonderful! Did you bring the music?" False let go, revealing that her hair was tied up in a ponytail, a rare sight indeed. Her leather jacket and gloves had been discarded in favor of an apron, which was already lightly dusted with flour.

Stress smiled from ear to ear, "O' course I did! Wot would Christmas baking be wi'out it?" She followed False into the large kitchen before placing the jukebox down against the wall and inserting a double-sided Christmas record into the slot. An instrumental of Carol of the Bells began playing softly. "Are we all set for baking?"

False raised an eyebrow, "Don't you mean, am I all set for baking? There is no way I am letting you near anything remotely flammable or dangerous until it's time to ice the cookies and assemble the gingerbread houses. Not after last year, or the year before last... or the year before that-"

"Alright, alright, I get it! I know I'm absolutely horrid at baking, not a goddess like you, Ms. Symmetry." Stress raised her hands in surrender. The two girls had learned the hard way Stress' complete lack of skill when it came to anything involving food. For example, just two years prior, Stress completely swapped salt and sugar, making the icing taste like rubbish and the mashed potatoes taste like someone misunderstood the meaning of 'sweet potato'. Long story short, not a soul who attended Christmas Dinner that year was spared from sickness, and that wasn't even the worst part of the meal.

False huffed in amusement, "That's not what the rest of the server thinks." Stress rolled her eyes in reply.

Somehow, the entirety of Hermitcraft had gotten it into their heads that Stress was some legend at baking and cooking and had put her in charge of Christmas dinner since she'd arrived. Two years prior, the dinner disaster had been blamed on Iskall, who had offered to lend a hand during preparation. False had been out of the server on personal business at the time, so that she couldn't prevent it.

On the flip side, not a soul trusted False with food preparations. Convinced that someone who was already talented beyond belief at one activity(that activity being PVP) could not be extraordinary at another. However, False's cooking could rival Gordon Ramsay, although she tended to stick with simpler dishes rather than the fancy kinds usually found at expensive restaurants.

Now, it had become a running joke between the two gals, and they simply went along with it after trying to explain the misunderstanding far too many times(The others simply thought Stress was being 'modest').

"Can I at least make the frostin? I couldn't possibly mess tha' up!" Stress pleaded.

False looked Stress in the eye, the latter of which was giving the former puppy eyes. Finally, False gave in, "Fine, but use the normal whisk, not the electric mixer. Notch knows what would happen if you got your hands on that thing."

"Fank you, luv!" The brunette squealed in delight as the ingredients and appliances were set aside for her.

The music faded from one song to the next as the two Hermit Gals chatted whilst baking. Stress had made far more buttercream frosting than needed in basically every pastel color, but False wasn't complaining. When Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas is You' came on, you'd better believe that the two girls belted it at the top of their lungs.

A particular Christmas song came on just after 'Believe' from Polar Express faded out. Stress' eyes lit up, "False! Get ovah here!" Grabbing False's wrist and dragging her into the open area. She started dancing to the tune, still holding False's wrists, "C'mon, dance!"

False whined in protest, "Stress, the cookies-!"

"The cookies can wait a few minutes! Have some fun!" Stress spun False around, making her yelp in surprise.

False frowned dramatically, "Baking is fun!"

Stress shook her head in determination. She hesitantly let go of False's wrists and continued her uncoordinated dance, "Have a diff'rent kind of fun then!"

Reluctantly, False began dancing a little, although rather awkwardly, "What do I do with my arms?"

"No clue! Do whatevah you want!" Stress exclaimed, shrugging as she continued dancing. She started humming to the song before singing out to it in an exaggerated, carefree voice. She was the epitome of 'Dance like no one is watching', and it was amazing.

Giggling, False began to dance more confidently, cookies forgotten. Besides, nothing was in the oven at the moment.

Seeing that False was beginning to enjoy herself more, Stress' smile widened. She sang louder, False joining in.

To anyone flying by, they might think that something odd was happening, but False and Stress were having fun, so it didn't matter.


852 words

I totally headcanon Stress being a horrible cook, but everyone thinks she is really good when in actuality, it's False doing all of the work.

Bye, you beautiful biscottis!

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