(M) Sheep

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This takes place back in late April when Tango and Impulse were making their wool farm. I know this isn't exactly how they made it, but who cares. Wholesomeness is all that matters.


Tango groaned and plopped down onto the uneven green grass. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and glared at the hundreds of fluffy colorful creatures before him. "Why must such insufferable creatures be so... cute?!" He threw up his arms in exasperation.

Tango and Impulse were working on a brand new wool farm that was supposed to be extremely efficient. Once this was completed, it would produce more than enough wool of every color; they'd probably even be able to sell it in their new concrete shop with plenty to spare. All that was left to do was put every single sheep in its place. Easy enough, right? Not if there are at least ten of each color, with sixteen total colors of wool, meaning that there were easily over a hundred sheep that they needed to breed, dye, and move to their areas. Genius Impulse and Tango had thought that it was a good idea to wait for them to all grow up and finish breeding before moving them, now they had to move over one hundred sheep all at once. Easy to say it wasn't going all too well.

Impulse chuckled and sat down next to his blonde friend. "C'mon, they aren't that bad," he gave Tango his signature smile, although he only received a frown in return. "Maybe we should take a break, maybe go work on a different project or play a minigame or two?" Impulse nudged Tango's shoulder.

"I mean, I'd love to, but what are we going to do about the sheep? We can't just leave them here to roam, and putting a fence around them probably wouldn't work anyways, there is a ton of holes and redstone everywhere that they could fall into," Tango said, listing everything that could go wrong, even though he desperately wanted a break. They had been working on this project for a few weeks, and these past few nights, they had stayed up later since they were nearly finished, and it was beginning to take a toll on the blonde hermit.

Impulse put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Relax, Tango, we could probably get someone to watch them if they aren't too busy. I'm sure they wouldn't mind; it's not like we'll be gone that long."

"Who in their right mind would agree to do nothing but watch hundreds of sheep for several hours?" Tango glanced at the brunette skeptically.

After a moment of thought, both hermits spoke up at once, "Zedaph."

Tango laughed. "I'm honestly surprised that he hasn't offered to watch the sheep himself, that guy loves sheep" He stood up and stretched, his red shirt and leather jacket wrinkling. He put his hands on his hips as he waited for Impulse to stand. "I mean, I get they're cute and all, but still, sheep are not all that great."

Impulse shrugged and stood. "I honestly think he is a little bit of a sheep himself. He acts a little bit like one, and his hair is way too fluffy not to be considered sheep-like" he chuckled as he took his communicator out of his pocket, quickly scrolling to find Zedaph's contact at the bottom since the contacts were alphabetized(I just feel like Impulse would do that).

Impulse double-checked that he was online before calling him, putting him on speaker so both he and Tango could hear. Zedaph answered after the first ring, "Hello?" A familiar British accent rang through the communicator.

"Hey, Zedaph! I'm here at the new sheep farm with Tango right now, and we were wondering-" Impulse started. "Yes," Zedaph quickly interrupted.

"Wha? You didn't even hear what-" Impulse started again.

"You were wondering if I could watch the sheep while you guys took a well-deserved break because presumably, you both have been overworking yourself, but you had nothing to do with the sheep, so you asked me," Zedaph said with a deadpanned voice.

Hermitcraft AUs, Oneshots, and Jazzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें