(I)Junk Food

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I have nothing to say. Yet I do have something to say because I am saying that I have nothing to say, but by saying I have nothing to say, I am saying something, meaning that I don't, in fact, have nothing to say, which would equate to something.

Btw this is intended to be platonic


Tango lifted his wrist to look at the time on his watch.


Goodness, has he really been here that long? It was around 10 o'clock when he got here.

Tango yawned, pausing in the middle of the aisle. It wasn't that late compared to how late- or early- he stayed up the previous night. It didn't matter; his sleep schedule has been doomed for a while anyway.

The blonde pushed his cart filled with junk through the aisle, making his way towards the checkout station. It was practically empty, after all, who would be at the grocery store at almost midnight? Tango, that's who.

There was only one checkout open, which made sense. Why have more than one if hardly anyone was going to buy something in the first place?

Tango didn't even glance at the cashier as he began placing large bags of candy, chips, a two-liter of Dr. Pepper, and other assorted junk food onto the conveyor belt.

"Let me guess. You are throwing a party, but you forgot to buy the snacks until last minute" the voice made Tango look up.

The cashier had a grin on his face, not one of those phony smiles that most people working in retail have; this was genuine. The smile reached his chocolate brown eyes, which had a small twinkle in them, despite the late hour.

Tango rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat nervously. "Eh, not exactly," he shrugged, drawing out the sentence.

The brunette cashier raised an eyebrow, curious, "Oh? Then what is it for?" he began scanning the items.

Tango fake coughed into his sleeve as he hurriedly mumbled, "It's for me" his face grew slightly red.

The cashier tried to hold in a laugh. "Did I hear that right?" his smile grew. "I pity future you" he looked back down to the items he was scanning, but not before letting out a chuckle.

His laughter was contagious, and Tango joined in as well. "Well, slightly closer future me is about to become very happy" he rubbed his hands together.

"Dude, this is gonna make you sick" The cashier looked at Tango with a moderately concerned, yet amused expression.

Tango returned his look with a devious look of his own "I don't know, man. You'd be surprised at how resilient my stomach is." he crossed his arms, tilting his head. "Ever had red bull mixed with expresso?"

The cashier was taking a small sip from a can of Aha, though he almost spits it out."Dude, how are you alive?"

Tango shrugged, "Like I said, I have a stomach of steel."

The cashier shook his head, grinning, and went back to scanning Tango's items, which had been forgotten for a moment. The two fell into a comfortable silence. The only noise in the entire grocery store was the beep from the scanner and the rustling of the plastic bags as the cashier stuffed junk food inside.

Tango glanced at his watch once more, which had a ruby red background, 11:53. "Doesn't the store close in a bit?" he asked. If the store were closed, the cashier would probably be getting off of his shift soon as well.

The cashier glanced up at a nearby clock, nodding. "Huh, I guess it will." he put the final bag of trolli gummy worms into the bag and stretched. "That means I can finally get off my shift soon!" He sighed.

Tango rolled his eyes with a grin. "Retail sucks, dude." To which the cashier nodded, groaning, "Tell me about it. The late shift is when all of the weird people come in buying ridiculous things" he looked at Tango and then back down at the grocery bags full of junk food, before realization set in. "No offense! I mean- n-not that you're weird or anything- or that what your buying is ridiculous. It is a little ridiculous... But th-that doesn't make you weird-" he rambled, raising his hands nervously.

"Relax, dude. It's fine." Tango laughed at the cashier's struggle, receiving a sheepish grin from the other, and they fell once more into silence. Although this silence felt like there were words left unspoken.

Tango looked aimlessly around the area that he stood in, tapping his foot ever so slightly, before remembering that payment was a thing. He quickly took out his wallet and put his card into the chip reader. The total cost was rather expensive, easily upwards of at least $50, but it was a party of one, what else would you expect?

Tango cleared his throat. "So..." he paused, looking at the cashier's name tag "...Impulse. You seem like a cool guy, wanna hang out after your shift or something?" Impulse was a rather strange name, but Tango wasn't one to talk, after all, his name was the same as a style of dance.

Impulse looked back up at Tango with a grin. "Sure! I could probably close up a minute or two early anyways, it's not like anyone is going to come in." 

Tango grinned, he didn't have many friends in the area yet, as he had just moved there rather recently. He had wanted to celebrate finally settling in with a glorious candified party of one, but a spectacular sugary party of two would work just as well.

Even though they just met, Tango already knew that he and Impulse would get along really well. It just felt right, even if it still felt as though something, or someone, was missing.

"Oh! I never caught your name" Impulse drew Tango's attention out of his thoughts as they walked across the parking lot, Impulse having already locked up the store.

Tango looked at his new friend "I'm Tango"


973 words

This is honestly crap, but that's perfectly fine.

I kind of had this idea, and it was gonna be a drabble, but it's too long to be a drabble, and it kinda had an ending so it couldn't really be one anyways??

But anywayyyys heyyyy how are y'all bc I'm t i r e d.

Bye, you beautiful biscottis!

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