(M) Unlikely 1: Thunder and Lightning

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/ˌənˈlīklē/ adjective

not likely to happen, be done, or be true; improbable.

"unlikely friends."


Dark swirling clouds loomed over Hermitcraft, covering a large portion of the inhabited part of the land. The sky churned as the wind picked up, blowing a few stray twigs out of trees. The midday sun hid behind the clouds; it's playful attitude disappearing along with it as the area was dimmed into the light similar to the evening. This storm was going to be quite severe; this was evident as the accumulating clouds spread further.

Everyone in Hermitcraft had gotten word of the upcoming storm, and surprisingly enough, most reactions were positive.

See, it wasn't often that it stormed on the Hermitcraft server; it hardly even rained, and most hermits had tridents, meaning that today was the perfect day to test out their riptide and channeling enchantments. This was also a rare opportunity to find a charged creeper and get rare heads or banner patterns.

Most hermits excitedly rummaged through their chests, looking for the familiar glow of their enchanted tridents. Some know exactly where it is due to its daily uses, no matter rain or shine. While others had to search a bit deeper within their storage systems and chest monsters, before finding the three-pronged weapon collecting dust, it's glow still bright as ever. Though all of them, once finding their tridents, waiting for the first drops of rain like a joyful child waiting for snow on Christmas morning.

Keyword being most.

Scar hurried through the buildings in the cowmercial district, nervously looking upwards at the clouds gathering over the mooshroom island. The shopping district was supposed to be right in the center of the storm, and Scar knew this quite well, hence his apprehension.

Scar was in desperate need of supplies, a few buildings at his base were not yet weatherproof, and he needed to get supplies fast if he were to finish it in time. Thankfully the concrete powder at the big dig was already shielded by the concrete overhand, so he didn't need to worry about putting up a tarp, meaning all he needed to finish proofing was his village.

The mayor looked up once more at the fast-moving clouds; the storm was coming earlier than expected. He made a quick decision and decided that the buildings containing villagers were the priority; he could fix any damage to the other buildings afterward if needed. Thankfully, his base was closer to the edge of the storm, meaning it wouldn't be hit very hard.

Scar felt the familiar warmth of the stone jingling in his pocket. It was a luck crystal, though he certainly didn't feel fortunate as a rather large drop of water landed on his head.

It didn't take long before the rain was pouring down, nearly instantly soaking Scar as he ran towards the nearest roofed building, which was conveniently Town Hall.

It's times like this that I envy xB; living so far away does have benefits, I suppose. Scar thought to himself, though it was too late to go anywhere now. Only people who wanted to use the storm for its dangerous benefits would dare go out in this kind of weather.

Scar quickly climbed the steps to Town Hall, walking through the large doorway before stepping onto the cyan carpets leading to the diamond throne, careful not to accidentally slip on the checkered floor. 

Scar groaned, looking down at his soaked attire. Rainwater dripped from his hair, which was hanging in his eyes, weighed down by the amount of water that it held. He looked as if he had gone into the ocean without a conduit or waterproof clothes. He sighed, taking off his elytra and armor, stuffing it into his inventor.

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