(M) Existential

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This is a very angsty one.

I just kinda had the random thought about this, and then my mind said, "Hey, lets science it all and see how bad it can get," and so here we are.

So uh, TW: Pain, Uhhhh Idk just kind of overall disturbing?


They had thought that the initial action would be the worse possible feeling that any creature of any kind could ever feel, hundreds of times worse than the wither effect. It felt like the universe was willing their entire existence to simply stop- well- existing. The feeling of every cell of their body being ripped apart easier than tearing a piece of paper in two, only for said cells to be compressed and zapped to the point of merely ceasing to exist.

The experience was excruciating, painful enough to easily scar even the most mentally strong creature within a few seconds of the experience.

To add to that, was the feeling of having their soul ripped from their everything, only to be dragged painfully through all of the different dimensions that they weren't supposed to exist in. This was made painfully clear as each dimension, whether it being the first, third, or even space and time itself, rejected harboring there and expelled them into a different dimension, only for it to happen all over again.

Even though they weren't connected to their body nerves or brain, because they didn't have one anymore, the pain still found a way to reach they, giving everything it's got to punish them, knowing full well they were entirely unable to die, since they weren't even alive anymore.

Oh, how they'd laugh about that now.

The initial experience that had eventually led them here had been nothing compared to what they were experiencing now, or rather, the lack of what they were experiencing.

They were surrounded by it, at least, as covered by nothing as one can be. It was everywhere, though it didn't exist. Therefore it was nowhere. However, it was the where, so if 'it' was nowhere, then there was nowhere to be, meaning they were everywhere, as they were the only thing that existed.

Only, they didn't exist, not anymore. They dwelled in a state of existence beyond the third dimension, space, and time. Without time to bind them to the present, or space to declare them existing, they never existed, and they never will exist.

It was more like the dimensions existed beyond them, not the other way around, because they didn't exist in absolute nothingness, in a where that didn't exist, and never had existed; therefore, it couldn't be beyond anything, because it needed to be something for that to happen.

So void that the temperature had reached the frigid level of 0 Kelvin, which was quite frankly, impossible because there was always energy somewhere in the universe to prevent it from reaching the absolute cold that it was at this very moment. This was because there was nothing. Nothing to exert the energy, nothing to receive it, nothing to need it, and of course, nothing to experience it, because they were nothing.

They were nothing, surrounded by nothing. Though, as nothing as it was, the experience was something. That something was nothing but excruciating, white-hot, agonizing, pure pain.

With nothing in any realm of existence to hold their lack of said existence together, their soul was tearing itself apart, seeming to relish in the newfound space, as if forgetting its purpose to stay together. The pain never subsided, no matter how much they focused on literally keeping themself together. It only grew, as every essence of their lack of being fought among itself for infinite reasons, within an endless space, creating nothing but constant pain.

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