32: 1971's page

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prompt: A one night stand one tries to forget while the other seeks for, ends in a life changing trip down a memory lane they accidentally discover.

"Package and flowers for Danica!" Win stutters out while he heavily heaves under the scorching heat.

"Oh my, Dani! Another one." The girlish squeals of the recipient's friends welcomed Win and he tried his best to stable his smile.

Blushing, the female in question steps closer to retrieve the anonymous gifts. As per instruction, Win is to only deliver and mention a code name if the owner allows which in this case, they didn't and he couldn't decide if it was still a good thing given the stare he was receiving.

Clad in a cute little summer dress despite the Christmas weather, this Danica retained her eyes on Win's before brushing a hand along her silky locks then imitating a shy laugh that made Win's eye twitch, reflexively.

"For me?" She asks before twirling a fallen strand of hair.

"No, for me." Win wanted to recapitulate but instead, he showed her the package addressee that had her name on it.

The girl was just about to open her glossy lips but along with the party playlist playing around the school grounds, Win's head throbbed with the beat.

Fighting off a grimace Win beat her to it by announcing, "They said to call them Papi Chulo."

The small crowd that gathered around them stifled a laugh just as he made Danica sign his clipboard before handing her the delivery marking his sixth for the day in the span of two hours.

Six deliveries within 120 minutes and all he wanted to do was crawl under a tree and fall asleep until this Christmas event finishes.

"This is what I get for being a freshie volunteer." Win groaned as he silently curses his org mates for placing him on the spot when their student body president under the College of Economics asked for a /willing/ volunteer to do the deliveries for their Santa booth.

Win as it is was a freshman but he sure as hell wasn't willing; yet here he was.

"Win!" Whipping his tired eyes open, Win slowed down his steps to a fellow classmate who looked almost like him: alive but barely living.

"Please don't tell me..." He starts when their eyes met in a sympathetic stare off.

"Vice Pres called for you. He's inside the auditorium preparing for the rave party tonight."

"But I thought the finance team would cover that with him." Win frowns remembering their work breakdown a week ago and how everyone made sure his sole purpose for the five day event was a delivery boy he was now regretting.

"They are but something went wrong with the lights and sound prod, they're still agreeing a discount cut off since it won't be fixed until the event starts."

There are days in his life he was able to understand but this one right here, it had Win asking if God even hear his prayers or maybe his mistakes were just louder.

"Now?" He sighs already feeling the traumatizing humiliation he is yet to undergo.

It would have been okay if the Vice President was just a Senior he had to work under for and by all means-all org related activities. But maybe because his mother had to name him Win; he scored a one drunken night during the welcoming party a few months ago that resulted to the sentiment being literal.

Win really did work /under/ him. A three round work that resulted to a nasty hang-over and a limping walk he had to endure for a whole week.

"God, why did it have to be him?" Win wanted to cry out when the auditorium hall was just a turn away. Not when he could already foresee the VP's back barking orders while he facilitated the stage projections.

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