15: Growl of the heart (5)

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He didn't even remember what the Decapos' mansion looked like. How the halls were pristine or the ivory railings were his favorite feature of the infrastructure.

Win only saw red.

The ticking of his jaw went on as well as the rage of his wolf that was a lot harder to contain. It all happened so fast. Just a few minutes ago he was clueless but his senses were wild enough to point him to the place where hell would break loose because one look at that man, he knew.

He knew that malicious stare even from a few feet away.

"Where the fuck did they go?" He hissed when he came to the end of the terrace. The balcony was open, allowing him a clear view of the tamed garden which circled the marble fountain.

He lost them.

"Mr. Metawin,"

Or so he thought.

Win could feel his fangs threatening to come out but he tried to compose himself before he fully turned around.

"Or should I say, Alpha Metawin is it?" The old rasp of a smoker's voice invaded his ear.

"Keep my name out of your mouth." The young Alpha announced before he faced the stranger who turned his whole world around with a few words.

"Why? Scared you'll unleash your inner beast?" There was a grin sitting permanently on the old man's mouth before he circled the panting Alpha.

Win let out a growl. The purr of his untamed wolf that no one heard until now.

The old man stalled and for a moment, he was reminded that his life could be on the line as he was dealing with someone who isn't purely human.

"Say that shit again. I dare you."

Win knew his temper wasn't getting him the upper hand but he couldn't control it. The mere thought of someone potentially hurting his pack just did it for him.

"The what exactly, Alpha? Unleash or the beast?"

In a quick motion, the old man was pinned against the brick wall behind him. Win's undeniably bigger hands went around the man's neck with ease. The delicate skin was instantly raw from just a mere touch.

"You're testing me." Win's eyes already resembled his eyes and his semi-fangs were already out.

But the old man was still smiling.

"That's exactly what I want to do, Alpha." Clearly struggling with his position, the old man still continued despite his throbbing throat. "I want to test your kind."

The words didn't quite reach Win. He was far too deep with his wolf that his rational thinking wasn't too sharp at the moment. All he could focus on was the threat, danger and impending harm that would come to his pack if he didn't deal snap this man to pieces.

"I-I'm a..." The old man managed to wheeze out as Win tenderly squeezed his neck from time to time. "D-Doctor... working on th--is study..."

Win's wolf growled.

"N-Need you to...hear me out." He continued to pant out.

The old man's eyes started to roll at the back of his head and his hands desperately clawed at the Alpha's hands around his neck.

A sudden snap of consciousness grounded Win. He needed answers. He can't let his emotions get the best of him knowing whoever this piece of scum is, probably already holds the ball in their court.

"I'm giving you a minute to spat whatever shit it is that you need to say. Answer to me completely and don't ever fail to mention your intentions, you dirty old hag." Win almost barked as he released the wheezing stranger with a slam against the brick wall.

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