11: Growl of the heart (1)

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prompt: Set back in a collision of worlds, werewolves and humans were not meant to co-exist---only they do. Bound by duty, a young Alpha couple fights hand and foot to protect not only their kind but the growling heart they didn't expect to have. 

Supposedly, one was to feel awestruck when they finally walk down the aisle. Their arm tucked securely inside their parents' arms for the last time until they get to be surrendered to the person they would spend the rest of their life with.

I should probably think again. Win thought to himself when his soon to be husband's face---the one he was also seeing for the first time---floored him with an icy glare.

It was a couple of centuries ago when werewolves openly co-existed with the humans. Their kind was the hybrid--man and wolf--and so it was a lot easier to adapt to the civilization and technologies of the world Win was naturally born in. After all, everyone was human too and looked nothing unlike it and the only difference was a whole new underworld of big wolves forming a systematic livelihood and a thriving pack for the future generations.

Then there goes his current situation. Expectedly, leaders of the pack should arise by now and they are the big Alphas who reigned from only two blood lines since the start of time: the Chivarees and Opas-iamkajorn clan. If it weren't for the Chivaree Alpha Senior to suddenly end up dead just a few months ago, Win wasn't suppose to marry their heir instantly. Well, nevertheless Win would be married to him either way a few years down the road but not now. Not now when he was just a fresh college graduate with his whole life to look forward to.

It was also then accepted long before their new generation that mates and couples knew no boundaries; regardless of their sexual orientation.


Win's smile was strained and it hurt. It hurt that he can't genuinely enjoy this once in a lifetime event with real happiness as he clung strangely against his spouse. Not that his newly husband was bad to look at. It was the opposite and that actually hurt more.

Bright Vachirawit Chivaree was a man of few words. A man of only eyes as his language and the baddest enigma Win was to unravel.

Growing up, Bright was trained to lead not only his clan but his whole pack that he would eventually inherit from his family. Not only is the man standing beside Win looked like a steel of sixth feet something but he was also as handsome as the dark night that's void of any stars which people find unappealing. The tightness of his tailor suit that looks custom made which Win doubts isn't---looks too good that Win was so thankful that he cleaned up pretty neatly the day before. He also didn't regret having his Mother pick up his suit that showed all the best assets Win could force his figure to show. Although he was beginning to think there's nothing to see seeming that Bright barely glanced at him.

"You ready to go?" The first few words Bright uttered against Win's flushing earlobe just had to be that.

Even with the knowledge of ruling their pack together one day, Bright and Win weren't exactly formally introduced with one another except for the few mentions over the years. Win was not quite sure if it was Bright's first time seeing him but for for Win's part, Bright's eyes were the type of eyes he would remember if he happens to see them once in his life until now. But they remained foreign but the kind where it comforted Win to know he'll get to spend the rest of his life looking at them.

"Yeah," Win managed to let out before turning to face his family who remained at the reception's patio. "Let me just say my farewell."

Hugs and lots of it, Win managed to receive. Kisses from families and stranger friends had his head spinning but he couldn't help the smile. Might as well drown himself with this far affection because something tells him that Bright was about to drop a bomb that he would need to carry along with their marriage.

brightwin AUsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin