14: Growl of the heart (4)

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Win's whole body was aching when he woke up, still in his clothes the night before. Yesterday's conference and the brigade program the Alpha hosted went successful but drained him to the core. The smiles and laughter of the children and their families were on constant loop inside his head and he couldn't have it any other way. He also met up with the Cuba pack and settled for a short meeting just to check things around.

But also the past nights, Win couldn't sleep a wink. His wolf wouldn't let him not when the moon glowed like it was an arm's length away to touch. All night he tossed and turned, his temperature was far from normal that he had to sink himself in a tub full of ice or he feared that actual flames would start appearing on his skin.

It was a merciless torture of the mating season and Win doesn't know how it would be possible to even maintain himself around Bright.

"Morning,Emilio." Win greeted the man as he placed the luggage inside the town car. He was quick to ask the young Alpha about his trip and never failing to slip some side stories of what Bright has been up to.

"Did you want me to drop you off first at home so you could get ready?"

Glancing down to his watch, Win's stomach dropped when he noticed the time.

"I think not Emilio, let's drive straight to the Decapos." But then his eyes went wide when he realized his too casual outfit of comfy sweats. "I don't have spare clothes with me!"

"Detour then?" Emilio smiled at his Alpha's unusual panic manner.


Not even a half hour later, which should be the average time to get there; Win was out of the car and inside the designer shop that he's been dressing from ever since. The familiar sight of the women who sized his clothes for him, came into view.

"Alpha Metawin."

"I can't really talk. Emergency for a luncheon?" That was the only thing he was able to breathe out before the young Alpha was passed around like a mannequin ball.

The suit was snug around his body. The thin material of the beige polo was skin tight and was open on the chest area, only closing with three buttons. Win couldn't decide if the bare skin was a good idea or not because the sensitivity of his skin was so active and the knowledge of Bright being there...probably eyeing him from time to time was enough to drive Win a little mad.

But he didn't have time to protest. Silently praying that the blazer he wore over was neutral enough to get Bright's mind off the mild boldness of the outfit. But when the Decapos mansion came into view, there was a thick lump inside Win's throat.

Bright was out front, already waiting and looking like he was asking to be locked up with the younger Alpha in a far away cabin. Freshly shaven, an undercut and in a crisp polo shirt and dark dress pants. Win's wolf howled and this time he couldn't even hide the small sound escaping his throat making Emilio let out a stifled laugh he covered with a cough.

"Best to get going now Alpha, I'll be back in a couple of hours."

Win was too afraid to speak. In fear of his wolf prancing out and instead, a low growl would come out so he settled for a nod. But the moment he stepped out the car, Bright's senses was on full alert. His own eyes zeroing on his mate in an intensity that the younger Alpha never saw before.

Win's last sight was the town car's departure and the small amount of other guests coming out of their cars as well before Bright's body crashed against his. He can't even remember being dragged away; being locked inside what felt like a small compartment room that was too dark and cold but there was a big heat surrounding his body.

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