13: Growl of the heart (3)

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just a quick notice, this originally started as a Bieber fan fic in my drafts but I decided to make it as a BW instead so if names are sometimes mixed up like the previous chapter, just let me know by leaving an inline comment. we good to go? alright, ready some tissues.


semi: 🔞

The stress of the partnership with the Decapos and organizing the conference placed Bright and Win in a work driven week. Not that it made any difference inside the house they shared but for the next days, Win was sure that he'd only seen Bright twice.

And it was the most challenging minute of his life.

Because none of them remembered the full moon approaching. Far too buried in their own work that the dreaded season was only a day away now.

Their wolves were not having any of it.

The night the both of them went home after the party, the first wave of the pre-mating urges started. Especially as an Alpha, it was twice or even thrice stronger. The normal ruler space between the two diminished to a mere inch.

All Win remembered from that night was the constant heat his body was giving despite the cold air blowing inside the car. His skin was so sensitive that sliding against the leather picked at his insides and his wolf howled embarrassing moans when Bright seem to edge closer to him with every turn.

"When are you leaving for the conference?" The distinct authority in Brights's voice was prominent. But something about his tone that night was different. It was hard, almost as if he was holding back a growl.

"Not until Thursday evening." Win managed to let out before another bump rocked the car forcing the two of them to slam against each other's side.

"I'm sorry." Win's voice squeaked, meaning to get away from the touch of Bright's body that let out the same kind of heat.

"Don't you dare. Just stay where you are, don't move away." Bright all but growled before securing an arm around Win's hips to haul the younger Alpha against him.

That car ride was life changing. Something Win ended up thinking about every night since then. That was the first time Bright ever held him like that, for a whole half an hour due to the night traffic. But what keeps him up day and night at this point was the fact that no one was there to witness it. Not even Emilio himself because after snugging Win against his side, Bright was quick to activate the partition over the driver's side.

The younger's hands still shake as vivid memories from that night clogged his mind. He just finished packing his suitcase and decided to cook an early dinner before his flight later that evening. The young maids conversed softly with him, providing an easy company that allowed the house to feel a little smaller and happier.

"Tell Bright that there's still some cheesecake leftovers inside the fridge. He doesn't like to admit but he would cheat a workout for that." Win spilled a truth and the only fun truth he knew...or suspected.

"Yes, Alpha." The young maids giggled as they surrounded Win. Their own way of asking for more stories between him and their Alpha Bright but Win has nothing to offer.

"Maybe that's why," One of the ginger head maids started as she handed a bottle of vinegar before continuing, "That's why Alpha Bright doesn't stay here when you're gone. He probably misses you a lot when you're away."

Win's hand that was stirring the pot stilled. The smile he had wavered as he offered them a shy nod which made the girls gush lightly.

"Maybe he does or he's just buying more cheesecake to eat away from home." Win joked, his own way of pulling his delusional hope back down to earth.

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