31: Smooth operator

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prompt: Never having it in him to say no, Bright agreed to be the substitute school announcer for the month. All he had to do was announce school events and activities due for the certain week; that was until a mysterious letter ends up on his announcement script and Bright accidentally reads it for the whole school to hear. 

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"Mic test...1, 2, 3..." Bright grumbled against his sweating palm as he tried to remember how the sound system works. 

There was a Studio Ghibli logo that faced him from where he sat and suddenly, Bright felt the need to ace his temporary shift. 

"So... do I just click this and go?" He asked the empty room just when his fingers reached out for the announcement script that frequented the halls before every class. 

 Skipping his fingers along the multiple paper sheets, Bright pulled out the highlighted permit that represented the exam schedules for the semester. It was a thorough run through that contained the dry run schedule for the Seniors' exit assessment exam too. 

Casting one last look at the Totoro on the Studio Ghibli poster, Bright cleared his throat and started.

"Good Morning! Broadcasting live from the four walled residency of our school's very own radio wave, this is your temporary announcement anchor Bright Vachirawit Chivaree giving you the rundown of this week's deets!" There was a certain hype that Bright couldn't understand but he felt it the moment his tongue rolled to voice out the script. 

"First up, listen Freshies this is your last semester exams so lend me your ears for a bit! Starting from your Math and Science electives for first period..." 

The list was short for the demand of subjects compared to when he was in his freshmen year; Bright had noticed. He continued that for the Sophomores and Juniors as the list toughens up with each highlighted course schedule. 

"And don't forget to sign your clearance permits before going home! I repeat, the deadline is before the card release day which is two weeks from now." Bright tried to hide his pending laugh because he was sure, everyone in the hallway was groaning from the amount of responsibilities his mouth just dumped on them.

'1 hour' the digital reminder flashed in front of Bright so he hurried to announce the Seniors' death march for the next seven days. It was to him, an ode to death as well.

"Seniors, please proceed to the faculty secretary upon receiving your exam schedule today. After settling your bill, the exit assessment exam information will be given to you. We are clocking in a fixed school hours starting now, a 7 am to 5 pm strictly until then." Even then, Bright knew his eyes should focus on the last words of the script but he found them straining to read the folded paper between the last two pages of it. 

"...I was sweeping behind the bleachers..."  The only visible phrase read from the folded paper that he was straining to see. 

"Um, then...where was I," Bright faltered for a moment not realizing he never moved away from the mic. "Uh, and the dry run starts on the last day of exams so Seniors are clocking out at 7 pm by then." 

The scene was no different inside the campus. The younger students hurriedly listed word per word of whatever Bright's announcement entailed along with his adlibs while the older grades merely paused to listen; far too busy planning how they could possible procrastinate a three month worth of lessons in a couple of nights. 

"Tough week isn't it?" Then Bright forced a laugh, the same one he releases in the middle of his tests. "On the brighter side, to take the stress out of the way somehow, let's move on to our letter of the week!"

brightwin AUsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora