12: Growl of the heart (2)

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Squinting against the late afternoon sun, Bright forced his eyes open to alert himself with the time. The warm body snugged against him soothed his nerves as he reached out to check for any missed calls from his omegas and betas and especially from his spouse.

The same one who wasn't laying beside him.

The same one whose skin isn't the one he marked for hours and lips raw from his kisses.

"Babe?" The gentle purr of his secret lover disturbed him from an immense feeling that was starting to eat him prominently these days.

"Shhh, get more sleep I was just waiting for my alarm. I didn't want it to wake you." Bright hushed against her forehead, peppering small kisses to urge her back to sleep knowing she needed it. She needed all the sleep she could get as the full moon was approaching.

"I really don't get you. You set an alarm but you wake up before it."

The female laughed, warm honey eyes staring back at her and though her limbs ached to the core, she couldn't get enough of this male who wasn't even hers to touch.

"What a silly man you are, Mr. Chivaree." She joked, lazily running her hands through his locks before sitting up with a wince to peck his lips.

"Hmm," Bright savored the little pecks. Delivering them back with affection and just the same gentleness. "Only for you, babe. Only for you."

Bright cursed as he rushed out of his secluded penthouse that no one knew of. His alarm blared endlessly against the bed he left it on but even with his attempt to get ahead of time, his shower time escalated to another half hour of sweet moans and leisure activities he would cut a limb off to do for the rest of his life. The smell of her basked him from head to toe and he couldn't be bothered to spray a strong cologne to cover it up.

"Emilio, can we still drop by the house real quick? I left my suit there." Bright didn't even wait for the town car to stop before he strapped himself in.

"Alpha Chivaree," Emilio greeted his Alpha politely before gliding down the road swiftly.

"We can do that. 20 years behind the wheel and that seems like a piece of cake to me even with this traffic."

Bright managed to let himself laugh for these rare moments. Even Emilio was a stranger to his Alpha's smile and with his years working for the Chivarees, the old man could count by hand the amount of times he saw the young man smiled.

The city passed in a blur and all Bright did was review the deal he managed to close with the Europe pack. It was tough, he wasn't going to lie. Though the Chivaree clan was one of the ruling packs, him being the youngest Alpha to be appointed in their history was like a slap to the other older leaders.

Lio Decapo was one of those leaders. But also one of the trusted and third biggest pack that ruled along with his great grandfathers who fought hand and foot for their breed to continue thriving to this day. Bright's respect for the old man was impeccable. With his Father's fresh passing just over a year ago, Lio was a distant man who had his back in the strangest of ways.

"Take your time, we have another half hour to kill before the event starts." Tapping Emilio's shoulder for his gratitude, Bright dragged himself out of the car.

The familiar smell of something he's starting to get used to, embraced Bright as he stepped inside. No matter how much he rushed his steps, pulling open his closet for a fresh suit, the lingering smell was there. Too strong as if it was replacing the scent of anyone he was with just an hour ago. He decided on a quick shower, scrubbing his skin with hardness he didn't intend to possess but the red marks on his back and chest suddenly felt too wrong to his eyes.

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