06: Little Italy (2)

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i was exempted for finals, just aced my midterms 

Win couldn't help the twitch of his lips once he read the note that his fingers quickly searched for.

It's been two weeks since a mysterious paper landed itself on the same table again, which he was sure was really intended to answer the note he left before. As crazy as it sounded, Win didn't hesitate to initiate an answer to the first note he's ever received in his entire life though anonymously.

He remembered the letter word per word and even the penmanship was something he engraved in his memory.

i have calculus tomorrow. 300 items for an hour, think you could hurt me?

That was how their fiery banter started and ever since then, Win's days couldn't end without his detour for this cafe where he'd find a fresh letter waiting for him under his usual table.

And today, the knowledge of whoever this stranger he's talking to, acing the test he was complaining about made Win felt a warm sense of pride. It was ridiculous, he knew that. How can he feel that way for someone he doesn't know or even see? At this rate, he was even sure that they won't ever cross paths no matter how small this world was.

I'm proud of you. Win wanted to write but he found his fingers trembling at the thought.

Maybe that was too much? Too vocal? Too...friendly?

"Ah, what do you even tell strangers when you're happy for them?" He mumbled against his hand as he stared around the buzzing cafe.

There was an idea that popped in his mind but he needed a little sign to push through with it. It was kind of a little risky if someone was to put malice on his words but somehow, Win knew that whoever this person was, he wasn't one to conclude intentions based on words that could be read without a voice.

And so, Win decided that the first person to enter the cafe next needs to wear something green. Anything with the touch of it and he'd write the note down no matter how risky it sounded.

Holding his breath, the small little bell dinged and Win wanted to close his eyes for a second while chanting a chorus of, "Please not green, anything but green..."

He peeked one eye open and sighed the deepest he's ever done.

It was a guy who had a black Nike zip up hoodie. Win was just about to look away when the guy suddenly stepped aside only to pull the zipper of his jacket down, revealing a fully green shirt underneath.

"What the fuck." There was already a bile rising from his throat at the thought of picking up his pen to write the doomed note.

But he couldn't cheat on himself, so with the stiffest of fingers he ended up writing a string of letters that he never thought he'd ever tell someone.

With the last bit of hesitation, Win ripped a tape strip to secure the note underneath the table; his pizza was a forgotten meal along with his usual coffee.

Bright was a couple of hours late than his usual time that day. When Win clocks out after his last class around early afternoon, Bright's last class would only start by then. That was the chasing game of the two boys that the staffs in the cafe were starting to notice.

Placing his things on the table, Bright was quick to search for the note that was starting to become the highlight of his days.

Once the note was opened, Bright couldn't tell which sound was louder: the people's chatter or his heart.

Say what, if you tell me your favorite go to order , what time you'll be here tomorrow and maybe your name? Then it's on me. My treat. I'm Win, by the way.

He tried to read the note again. Slowly, word by word and with the best unbiased comprehension. But still, he couldn't help the warm feeling that was starting to build inside him. The thought of some stranger caring enough to buy him something because he passed the test he was about to give up from, made Bright feel human enough to be worthy of small happiness like this.

"Uh," He looked over at the menu bar from where he sat. Eyes scanning to deviate away from his usual order just because somewhere inside him, he wanted to meet this stranger in person and tell him what his favorite order really is.

With a short laugh, Bright wrote down a menu he never even tried. Figured it was a win-win for him. He gets to taste something different and even get it for free.

are you an angel? but if you insist who am i to say no? i'm going to take it easy on you though so i'll choose the combo four with bacon pizza bites and a loaded vanilla smoothie. let's just say my last class ends around 7:00 pm. and win... that's your name? i bet you never lose huh? anyway, jokes aside thank you for this. i hope to know everything you just asked me when you reply from this message.

-hoping your meals are always good: bright :)

Bright read his letter with a frown. His letter was too long and he feared that this Win might be overwhelmed. Was it too much? But after all, Win did send out a lot of questions and they all needed answers.

Bright was still weighing his decision when a sudden figure sat in front of him. Eyes shooting up to meet the person in question, Bright rolled his eyes once recognition dawned on him.

"What is it, Joss?" It was his block-mate from two of his classes who always needed notes.

"Boss B, how's it going?" The other boy laughed once Bright's annoyance welcomed him with open arms. "You look extra grumpy today."

"It's because I saw your face thrice today."

"Ouch," Joss let out a laugh before pulling out the intention of his visit.

"What is it, seriously?" Bright complained as he tried to fold the note he was worrying over, discreetly.

"Here, you ran out of the study hall before I could reach you. It's the schedule for the Mathlympics our faculty has arranged. It's a week long event, mind you."

"Oh shit, I forgot about this." And he really did. Bright was assigned to three stations according to his schedule.

"See? If I didn't see you here then you'd go to campus tomorrow with a clueless mind." Joss rolled his eyes before stealing a sip from Bright's drink.

"What?! Tomorrow?" Bright gasped as his eyes frantically studied the schedule again. There was no way he was sleeping tonight if he wanted to be fully prepared with tomorrow's events.

"Man, be thankful I saw you." Just when Joss was about to take another sip, Bright hauled him up from the table with a serious speed that made some people turn their heads at them.

"I wasn't done eating that!"

Trying to wreck his brain to form a fast schedule, Bright continued to pull a whining Joss out of the cafe with a promise of his notes in exchange for an all nighter preparation for the Mathlympics tomorrow.

He couldn't believe he was able to forget something as important as that. But yet again, it wasn't the only one he ended up forgetting.

Lost to the sudden turn of his night, Bright forgot about his reply letter for Win that he hurriedly tucked inside his bag when he pulled Joss out of the cafe.

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