08: Always

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not a prompt: A short SarawaTine one shot for our comfort characters as tribute for the success of their series and the closing of it.

It was 6 in the evening, tired from his cheerleading practice, Tine opens the stove to start dinner. As he takes out some spices, he made sure to list down the grocery essentials that they needed.

The light aroma of the food touched the walls.

The simmer of the vegetables and the faint strumming of the guitar drowned away the silence.

With a slight smile, Tine put everything on low fire before he followed the sound all the way inside their room.

There, Sarawat closed his eyes as his fingers gently threaded along the guitar strings. He looked tired since after all, he just got banned from practice because his throat was starting to swell.

"Did you finish the whole pitcher of ginger tea I gave you?" Opening his eyes, Sarawat could only smile at the sight of his pain reliever.

He was just about to answer but Tine crossed the room with three full steps until he was right in front of his boyfriend's face with a hand against its mouth.

"Don't," Tine whispered before frowning a little when he saw how pale Sarawat still looked.

"Mhm," The older boy hummed but he nuzzled his face against Win's palm; soaking the warmness he missed all day since he got to stay home.

"I know you want to talk so bad but keep it in for a few more days, hm? The day you get better, you can run my ear off as much as you want." They shared a soft laugh even if Sarawat struggled to relax his throat.

"Okay that's it, stop trying to make any vocal activity." Tine whined as he reached for the warm water. "I'm going to finish dinner then I'll make another pitcher or ginger tea."

Tine combed his fingers through Sarawat's damp hair, an itch to kiss him was starting to get to him but he knew that they couldn't just swap kisses especially with Wat's condition. Just when he was about to stand up from the bed to return to the kitchen, a warm hand pulled him back.

"L-Love...y-you..." Sarawat struggled to say. Everything was aching inside his throat but his heart couldn't let him rest without saying that one out. For him, it was still surreal how he was able to find Tine again all these time. There were still days where he'd want to pinch himself and ask, 'Did I really get to be with someone I only saw once?' but one look at this person in front of him, he knew he was very much alive.

Tine scolded him with a harsh tap on his chest that choked Sarawat's breathing for a second; but Tine's eyes gave away a gloss of intimacy and care that made everything fall right into place.

With a gentle kiss on the spot that Tine hit, he gazed at Sarawat's eyes with a look that felt like home before saying, "I love you too but please stop talking so you can get better, you still promised to sing me to sleep for the rest of our lives."

i don't usually write end notes but i figured, it's something i can look back to one day but this series really saved me this year. i didn't expect to be so attached but here I am. anyway, F4 won't be topping this and i said what i said. next one is a little bit...spicy just to get me out of my feels.


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