30: Peter Pan (7)

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The digital clock bared a 10:00 pm mark just as Win closed the heated laptop that compiled a month's worth of paperwork he needed to print and sort before the week ends. Another deal sealed meant a few more months of overstay in this office.

His secretary was long dismissed and Win knew, it was just him and the guard left inside the building.

"Another late night, sir?" A dry laugh escaped Win and he could only supply a tired nod before settling inside his car but not before waving respectfully.

This life... it only gets tiring as each day pass, Win thought when he was able to see the modern architecture of his new house. It wasn't as dark as his penthouse suite, the exterior was already easing his headache as little prominent scrabbles could be seen up close.

Win smiled despite his droopy eyes when a certain jungle of words were messily written at one part.

"I'm home!" He said to no one in particular. The double doors behind him automatically closed and the smooth hum of the air condition breezed along Win's bare feet across the cold tiles.

The silence was not a stranger at all and Win appreciated that for someone who stayed the whole day inside a four walled room reading project proposals from fifty companies, all at one go. The stairs beneath him barely creaked and he was quick to dodge the small figures decorating the steps at some point.

Win couldn't help the roll of his eyes before pushing open the bedroom door that echoed the same silence. His eyes swept a quick glance around and noting that everything looked the way he left it, only then he was able to close the door; blocking the soft hum of incoherent tones.

"Where do you live?" Wendy Darling asks.

Peter Pan points out at the near galaxy within their reach, "Second star to the right, and then straight on till morning."

Win listened to the lines he knew even if he was asleep. The stream of his hair from the wet shower was dripping down the worn out cotton shirt that was a stranger to his closet. The longer he stood there, the louder the TV blared the familiar movie as did the live radio he knew he didn't open.

"Maybe I forgot to turn it off." Win settles out his mouth after wiping it dry. The motion of his feet padded gently out the room but he knew that there was a certain pace that his heart couldn't contain.

Until he reached the live radio—the same one he didn't turn off.

It's not like he wanted to either.

Bit by bit his fingers traced the familiar material, almost like all these years didn't happen and he was just figuring it out for the first time all over again. The blank papers, unsharpened pencils and dull inked pens mixed with the plain canvas of the city that caused him to smile now.

"I told you not to wait for me." Home. That was the difference from before. He wasn't at the studio and he didn't need to be.

"Hi," Placing the guitar down, a worn out smile adorned the face he ended his days with. "I didn't even hear you."

"Because I didn't want to be heard, I'm good like that." Then a roll of the eyes commenced that nourished a laugh from the both of them.

"B, I'm so tired." He whines like a small child that was familiar to them, far too relieved that he could finally drop his CEO facade and fall right into his own little space.

The walk was timid yet known and his steps were no longer calculated—just messy and eager just until warmth suffocated his limbs.

Bright didn't need to say anything, just opened his arms as a signal and the rest was just they way it had to be. Scooting back on the plush couch until he could lean back to accommodate more space with the remote already in his hands to hit resume; Bright opened his legs to the mass of everything he waited in his life.

brightwin AUsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora