03: Night escapades

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prompt: When everybody is asleep, that's the only time they allow their hearts to wake up. 

Looking behind him, Bright tiptoed as silent as he can across the room from his. His parents were due to an early flight in the morning, giving him approximately an hour before he needs to depart back to his own room.

Like nothing ever happened.

Raising his buzzing hand, he knocked three times. The rich wood barely rattled against his fist but the pounding of his heart was the only thing he could hear.

"It's me." Bright managed to breathe out through the thick door.

"It's open." The soft voice called back as he strained to hear against the wood.

Bright wasted no time as he twisted the heavy knob, stealing another glance around the hallway before slipping inside the room he would always spend his early mornings in.

There, his secret silently sat on top of his neat bed; eyes barely blinking at the intensity of Bright's gaze on him.

The younger boy who sat on his bed shifted shyly before patting the side next to him while whispering a gentle, "You're kind of late tonight."

"I have exams tomorrow, I just finished going through five chapters." Bright admitted with a groan before reaching behind him to tug off his cotton shirt.

"Maybe you should just rest th—"

"Win, take off your shirt."

The younger boy closed his mouth in an instant. The late glow of the moon reflected his skin perfectly and Bright knew it was a sight he would never apologize for.

"Please, we only got an hour before they wake up."

Win gulped at that before he fingered the material of his pajamas. He knew whatever fear he was always feeling did not compare to the sweetest cry he would always let out once his shirt lies on the floor.

"I have a game tomorrow, please don't mark me. Okay?" Win tried to formulate his words just as Bright pushed him down on his bed.

"Please, what?"

"Please, P'Bright—"

"Don't call me that. We're not like that, I'm not your elderly." Bright supplied with a rage he couldn't quite understand himself. He lifted Win's face to his, memorizing every line and curve he couldn't stare at when daylight comes.

"Bright, please don't mark me." Win whispered silently, their lips a sigh apart before he took the initiative for the first time to connect it with Bright's.

Punches, kicks and probably repeating cartwheels were just a shallow beating that the two boys felt inside their chests. Every touch of the other's lip is a sigh of a dangerous game they didn't expect to star in. The intimate swipe of their tongues as Bright dominated the younger's lips was something he never thought he would even ever do.

Hands intertwined like their hearts, the night beautifully howled.

"The door—not locked..." Win panted through Bright's kisses against his throat. For a second he wanted to pull him away from his skin, in fear that Bright forgot what he said about marking him.

"I already set an alarm, we won't be long for tonight." Bright sighed against Win's skin before he laid on his side to breathe a little bit.

Win's flustered face welcomed him like a ton of bricks. The droopy eyes, rosy cheeks and just the same rosy lips. Bright felt the same nagging inside his chest. He's been feeling that lately or probably a couple of months now when he first ended up inside Win's room.

Back then, Win was basically a doll who never talked to anyone. Coming from his tenth home, the kid didn't even carry any clothes with him. All he carried was this shy smile and pretty eyes; the same thing Bright couldn't quite forget.

"What time will they wake up?" Win asked as he tried to get out of Bright's scrutiny.

"Their flight is at 7 am, probably around 4 maybe." Bright whispered back, his finger itched to intimately trace Win's face but he knew that was a dangerous territory he tried not to visit.

But lately, isn't he already over the fence and breaking every rule? Every single night he'd lay on his bed as the night starts, all he could think of was when the clock would strike midnight and he could visit the room from across his.

The same room he had no business to be in, in questionable hours, at least.

Win bit his lip. Too scared to talk now that everything suddenly felt too real for him. He knew it was hopeless and it was wrong but the tingles he would feel were far too strong. In his young heart, he thinks maybe because he was never given the chance to experience such affection that a small fraction of it is like the next air he could only breathe.

But when Bright is here, looking at him with those hard eyes that would only soften at him... maybe somewhere in this wrong situation something still felt right.

Swallowing a sob, Win placed his palm over Bright's beating chest; and in the softest of whisper he said, "Stay the night."

Bright wasn't one to experience heartbreaks. He was usually the one causing it but then and there, he was sure that he experienced his first one.

"You know I can't, Mom checks our room before they leave. I always thought she'd stop doing that when I turned 18, clearly not." Bright tried to humor the younger lad but Win didn't even move his cheeks.

"Brothers sleep together, don't they?" Win frowned and he found his own hands already creeping around Bright's waist to pull him closer.

Surprised by Win's ministrations, Bright could only swallow every pent up words he couldn't say. Because quite frankly, he didn't even know what to say.

He was just as lost and he knew deep down, all he wanted was to stay too.

"But that's the thing Win," Tilting Win's head to face him, Bright tried to talk with his eyes. Hoping that it would send a message he was too conflicted to say. Even then he continued with his admission, "We're not brothers. We will never be just brothers."

"Because we're really not. You made that very clear the day you found out that your parents adopted me."

Another ache inside their chests.

One for the boy who only ever knew one type of love he couldn't have; and another for the other boy who loved someone he knew he could never have.

"I can't stay the night, Win. Because if I stay and the morning comes, if anyone walks in and looks at the way I hold you, they'll know."

Win's heart drummed aggressively and he felt it through his bones. He casted a look on the glowing clock behind Bright, taking note that they only have a few minutes more. Without thinking too much, he risked his last shot by diving to take Bright's lips into a kiss that could talk.

The way his teeth crashed against Bright's, the soft sucking of each other's tongue as it glides around their mouth...it was perfect.

With an airy breath, Win pulled away to ask something he knew he could never take back.

"What do you mean by, they'll know?"

"That I'm starting to love you more than what I'm supposed to."

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