29: Peter Pan (6)

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Lips that felt foreign against his, yet even in the mere lapse of time that they lost, it was the same lips that he dreamt about on nights he didn't want to admit.

Win closed his eyes—tight as he could but the fold of his hands crept around his old friend's shoulder before casting a firm grip. Reciprocating the same eagerness, a pair of hands settled against his neck with a lone finger tracing his jaw so their mouths were directed at each other.

Air was non existent as they breathed through their nose. He inhaled his air, soft lips nibbling the other and exhaled his groan through the warm swipe of their parted lips.

"B-Bright," He whispered through the faint gap between their mouths; and like he was being paid to do so, the same hands forced a gap between them to forth a bridge that can' t be crossed. Again.

"What were you thinking?" A demand of confusion even when his whole mouth tingled and hands continued to shiver against his side.

There behind them, the sun was low almost like it was starting to set and Bright wasn't feeling any different.

Why do things always demand some kind of explanation? He wondered.

"Bro, start talking before I leave your ass here." Win claimed before taking a couple of steps back. The withdrawal clearly dawning on Bright when his eyes could only follow the motion.

"Bro?" Bright starts with a bitter tongue. "Win, don't call me bro when we had our tongue inside each other's mouth not even a minute ago."

"Fuck you, Bright."

"I fucking wish."

Surprise didn't come easily with Win. His whole life, planning out was how he was brought up and that manifested with the route that his life was taking; but there as he stood under the stream of short cold water, surprise was the only thing he knew.

"You're sick." He didn't mean it but he also did.

"What makes you think I go around kissing people just because?" Bright traced the steps that Win lost and their eyes knew where this was going.

"And what makes you think I know the answer to that when my last memory of you was an empty space next to me?" Bright paused when the memory lashed through him like the first foul card on his soccer game.

Win placed his arm between them and with his palm up to prevent Bright from getting any closer he admitted defeat, "After that you just vanished like we never knew each other at all. I don't know you anymore."

Bright counted the time he only ever experienced heartbreak or something that was close to it. The ice cream he spilled at the park with Win; his first foul on his soccer match with Win; his last talk with Win outside his car before they went to college and that morning after the party when he woke up next to Win. Everything was with Win.

The wind was cold but still, his eyes started to heat up. Bright continuously spats, "You wouldn't understand, trust my words."

"Then make me!" Smacking his arms against his sides, Win astonished his rage through actions as if to speed the process. "Make me understand why you cut me out of your life like that. Make me understand why you kissed me like nothing changed at all while my hands continue to quiver because all I want is to hold you too. How can you make me understand that, huh?"

Win continues like his chest was a dribbling forth of a pirate's anchor.

"Tell me why I couldn't get myself to walk away when I saw you yesterday even when I knew you didn't hesitate to do it back then. Help me get you, get this..." He points between them.

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