23: His for a moment

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prompt: where a spontaneous smooch changed both of their nights.

The rain was definitely the last thing he was expecting for his night to end—or what was left of it.

Three minutes until midnight.

"Is this everything?" The cashier asked without even sparing him a glance.

Win could only mutter a small, "Yeah" before pulling out his wallet that he didn't really like to look at.

The droplets of water started to hit against the glass windows of the convenient store and the sudden opening of the door was left unheard.

"Thank you." Win planned to say but the words died on his lips when a sudden arm grabbed him away from the counter.

"What—" And only a pair of warm lips answered him.

His eyes remained open even when the stranger's eyes before him were closed to the brim. The beating of his heart matched the rain and as they continued to back away from the front of the store, Win couldn't pull away.

Or maybe... he didn't want to.

But when he was about to close his eyes the moment he felt the stranger's lips nip at his own, there was a surge of cold air that separated them.

"Don't move," The stranger whispered against his lips ever so slightly and Win could see a figure behind them.

"Just stay put and don't move away from me." He continued but Win was too busy running his eyes around his face or what he could see from their proximity.

Hard eyes, strong features and plump lips.

He was kissing someone who had all these.

Ignoring his parched up throat, Win risked a small, "Why?"

"Just act like we know each other. Hold my waist." The attractive stranger urged before he felt his own hand being wrapped around this guy.

They were closer this way and Win was back to only staring at his eyes.

Until he felt like it was something he already saw before.

No way.

"You're—Bright," Win stuttered when recognition crossed his eyes. His grip loosening right at the very second but Bright was quick to secure it back around his waist.

"Just act like we know each other." He was quick to demand but Win wasn't having it. He was far too overwhelmed to go along with the other's ministrations.

"But we don't...you're like— someone I can't have." Win was clearly not in his right state of mind when he was spurting out his words. How could he properly function though? When one of the rising actors of his generation was right in front of him.

Holding him like they've been each other's secret lovers for years.

"I know but just act along, they've been following me for the past hour and I didn't bring any security with me."

That's was the only time Win grew conscious of the hoard of young girls behind them; hands discreetly holding out their phones as they lingered quietly but it was noticeable.

Win wanted to laugh but he can't because his heart was bursting.

"Okay," Win tried to sound like he was being forced to do such a thing but one sniff against Bright's hoodie, he didn't want to ever leave this man's arms.

He felt Bright let out a breath of relief causing the man to lean on him harder. Their height difference didn't make things easier because he could feel everything. Every mass and length of him.

Fighting off a blush, Win pulled away to ask, "Are we just going to stand here and uh—hug?"

When Bright pulled away to face him, Win knew he didn't stand a chance. He knew all those times he saw him on TV occasionally and he would feel the need to touch the screen while his stomach fluttered had to mean something. Because now that they were looking at each other eye to eye, Win was sure he would do anything this man asks him to.

"Ask them if they have a problem because they've been staring at us for quite some time now." Win's eyes widened before he risked another look at the blushing girls.

What Win didn't know was that it wasn't only Bright they were secretly admiring, it was also him since his face was the one visible to them.

He saw the tallest girl from the group pull out her phone to openly snap a picture of them and that's when his instincts kicked in.

"Hey," He called out making the group of girls freeze with trembling hands against their mouth. "Is there something my boyfriend and I can help you with?"

The tallest girl who had her phone on record mode dropped the device in one go and Win was sure his heart went along with it when Bright's hold tightened on him too.

The girls were quick to mumble their apologies, cheeks bursting with redness as they struggled to scram away. Win was still reeling from the scene he caused and his mind was too fried up over the fact that he did that like he actually just did something like that in his life.

And he sure wasn't prepared for the next words that were said in his ear.

"That's my boy." Bright whispered.

hello! you have reached the end of the short flood of some bw drafts i never planned on uploading but i did it anyway esp for the time being as i will be inactive for a little bit. recently one of my writing dreams came true so i need to sort that out but the next series is being cooked as we speak, so please look forward to it! and i'll try for this one not to hurt that much 🙃 (and hey i smell a sarawatine come back so maybe this au book is manifesting after all lmao)

 well that's all, signing out for a lil while. take care, please!


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