17: Growl of the heart (7)

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(i think we all know the character she'll be playing...)

"Gigie, did you get the fact sheet?"

Finishing the last part of the article, the petite brunette looked up from her stall to notice her column senior.

"Ma'am, yes I just did. The local news team handed it to me after they went on air." She replied before discreetly turning her laptop on her senior's direction so her on going work could be noticed.

Might as well let her know I have better titles. Gigie thought as she forced a smile.

"That's good then, I expect the article in my emails tonight. Try to make it as a feature-editorial mix, okay?"

"You got it, ma'am." She smiled again and waited a few seconds before closing her laptop shut with a groan.

"They always give me the crappiest subjects to write about when I could clearly handle writing about bigger topics." She continued to complain on the way out of her media company building never once noticing the person beside her.

"Rough day?" The stranger supplied with an easy laugh.

"More like rough career." Gigie chuckled with dry humor as she turned to look at the person beside her."Oh my goodness, I know you! You're the youngest scientist to lead a project with WHO before, right?"

The old man chuckled through his tainted hands before dying the compliment with a shake of his head.

"Oh dear, you still remember that? I doubt the younger generation even knows me now."

"Trust me, I've been living with the news since I was a kid. I know every news station by heart hence my journalism profession that I'm starting to dislike." Gigie confessed while her excitement got the best of her.

"Say what, have you eaten? Care to accompany me for a late dinner where I could supply an exclusive interview?" The professor tried to tone down his smile as he watched how the female's eyes melted from his offer. He didn't need to pat himself because he knew he already won.

"I'm damn honored, Professor Nguyen."

The dinner sailed with the professor's wind. They talked with light subjects, clearly giving off a more business dinner agenda but he didn't need to dwell on that.

She was already in too deep.

"I partly grew up in Vietnam too but I haven't really stayed there to study." They were already sitting out after a nice meal. Any second now, professor Nguyen was preparing to drop the bomb.

"Let me guess, moved to the states for a better exposure to the journalism world?" The professor offered.

"Right on point," Gigie nodded with a solemn look. "Don't get me wrong, I'm where I want to be but I haven't gotten a huge break yet and I've been in this media industry for almost a decade now."

The night breezed before them in a dark whim. Reflecting just the same thunder that the each of them was feeling. One was a desperation at another shot for a failed dream and the other was a shot for a dream she was already living.

"I have a proposition for you, Ms. Gigie." Professor Nguyen said before pulling out the object of his advantage.

The lights were already off the main floor and only the kitchen was illuminated from the small glass window. It was half past midnight yet no sign of Win could be traced.

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