21: Risky day out

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prompt: It was one thing when they need to keep it as lowkey as possible but when their pets are thrown into the mix, their cover doesn't look too tough now.

"Park a couple of blocks away." Bright grasped his phone secretly from the inside of the cafe. His shades were blocking the sun but he was still able to make out the distant camera flashes from outside.

"But I can't find a parking," Win couldn't help the whine to slip out a he maneuvered around the area with Charlotte barking beside him. "And my dog is mad, I need to find a good spot."

Trying to keep his laugh in, there was a fond smile on Bright's face on a Sunday. A day where they weren't supposed to see each other but here they are, spending a whole week to the other's face once again.

And Win even bailed out of his family day just because.

"What car did you even bring, babe?"

Biting his lip from the pet name, Win toned himself down before mumbling lowly, "The Benz, S-class. Dad was using the black Jaguar but that's the car I haven't driven out yet. People know this car I'm driving."

"I'm sure there are other Mercedes around the country, you're not the only one."

"Baby, the plate number. I'm sure they know it." Win hurriedly countered, not thinking too much of the pet name slip.

"The what?" Bright grinned against his phone but he made sure to turn away from the window. "What am I again? What did you call me?"

"Ame's father." Win laughed before securing a spot that was a little hidden to the passersby.

There was a rush of adrenaline that ran through him when he was able to see the small group of people gathering outside the building. They were calm but he knew the moment he steps out, his steps would falter despite the excitement that was coursing through him.

"Hm, times like this I want to greet him with a hug but what can we really do." Win mumbled over to Charlotte as he held the small dog in his arms.

Distant calls of his name commenced when he stepped out and his hand was quick to do a wave. A wave that he can't help but hope was enough to let them have their time even just this once.

"Is that Win?" He smiled, his crescent eyes capturing every heart and he had no idea.

"Babe, hurry up." The young lad then jumped when his phone vibrated just when the security was opening the door for him. Win's heart raced and he couldn't help the alarmed look he threw at the oblivious guard.

"Bright, you're on speaker." He hissed before turning the volume down before delivering his bunny smile to appease the tension.

The guard only smiled, if he heard anything Win was quick to send a short prayer that he understands the situation.

Especially when he spotted Bright who now had Ame resting inside his hoodie. The scene tickled not only his stomach but his heart. He finds it funny how they were both willing to go to these lengths just to spend time with each other.

As far as hiding both their pets just so the animals could meet.

Yeah, we're pathetic. Win thought before hurrying to their table.

"Hey," Bright looked up from his phone, fingers stopping to admire the younger boy. But before he allowed to lose himself, he risked a look outside only to see the guard talking to the fans who were now starting to disperse.

Bright smiled before pointing to the chair beside him.

"Hi, come here."

He saw the panic on Win's face and now that he was able to really look, the small print of a dog's body bulged inside Win's shirt.

"What the-- get your dog out of there."

"No, wait--"

But Win wasn't quick enough when Bright took it upon himself to haul out Charlotte from Win's shirt. The action happened too fast that he forgot the sleeping cat on his chest and what happened next was a series of a live action comedy.


"Charlotte, stop running!"

Both of them yelled when their pets saw each other for the first time then leaping outside their arms without hesitation to chase the other in a dizzying pace.

The whole cafe was startled. People from the other tables started to make sense of the situation and with the two boys getting up to chase their pets, they forgot the fact that they were out for everyone to watch.

With a hand dragging Win to him, Bright was quick to chase after Ame who was circling the dog. Win wasn't any better as he tried to hush his growling dog but with Bright's hand wrapped around him, he couldn't help but feel like something was off.

"Why do I feel like it's too quiet?" Win paused after a second when he saw that Charlotte stopped barking at the cat.

Bright was about to answer him when a gasp sounded from his left.

"Oh my god, they're holding hands!"

"Your flash is on they'll notice!"

"Are you sure it's even them?"

Win felt the color drain out of his face as did Bright when they turned to look at each other, hands still intertwined with the whole cafe behind them.

"At least we can stop hiding." Bright tried to lighten up the mood amidst the snap of cameras and hushed banters because there was no way he was letting go of Win's hand. 

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