25: Peter Pan (2)

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"Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up at your dorm?" Win asked for the third time and he could almost see his younger brother rolling his eyes.

"I told you, I'm picking someone up. We'll go there together."

Pressing the breaks at a curve, Win tried to process the phrase that left his brother's mouth.

"Mick, repeat that again. You're going with someone? As in someone like a woman?"

"Bro, I know you've been under your own self induced dry spell but I'm not so yes...a woman." Mick clarified not knowing his older brother was losing his mind a little too much.

"And don't get me started, I'm literally a junior in college. You were worse during your days. Remember that frat party you told me about? How two girls went together to--"

"Okay, shut the fuck up. You got your point across." The unfortunate memory that Win wasn't proud of left a bitter distaste that he tried to move on from.

After hanging up on his brother along with the little information of a little girlfriend, Win couldn't help a cloud of sadness to somehow weigh him down. His oldest sister was married, his other sister was engaged and now even his youngest brother had someone with him. But there he was, at 27 in his prime year of settling down with a potential life partner yet somehow he could never look at anyone's way twice.

He figured maybe something was clearly wrong with him and he needed to let himself go to find the old him, maybe? Win wasn't sure of the reason but either way, here he was on a last minute drive trip by himself.

The road was empty yet every light was alive. The early morning dew was fogging up his side mirrors but he couldn't care less. He felt free for the time being and he figured, just for this last time, he would let other people cause him his happiness.

Just before he gets back home and he would soon takeover his family's business, marking another decade of long days and lonely nights.

The sun was already out when Win finally arrived at the hotel he spontaneously planned to stay in. The valet was already opening his car door, a palm offered for his car keys that Win gave with a sharp nod that translates to a discreet warning if he ever finds a scratch when he gets it back.

Although trying to keep things professional while on duty, the clerks out front didn't hide their interest on the newly arrived guest. Win wasn't too fond of dressing in casual clothes as he was used to polos and trouser pants almost all his life and surely, a lot of other people benefitted from that aspect.

"Thank you." Win supplied as he retrieved his black master card that made eyes pop even more.

Young and rich? Count me in. Were thoughts of everyone around the desk.

But a couple of steps behind, they were not prepared for another one in that category to pay a visit.

"SECURITY!" Win faintly heard behind him which he didn't really have enough energy to spare a glance at. All he could think of was sinking his body on top of a memory foam mattress to catch up on some sleep before he lives his best life yet.

"We need back up out front and make sure the media does not crowd the entrance when the news gets out." A passing guard had uttered just as Win rushed to chase the closing elevator.




Bright dashed out from his tinted car, the flashes blinding him despite the years he lived to get used to them. Camera flashes--- why must they always blind him?

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