04: The naming game

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prompt: Finally facing his fear for animals, Win got himself a dog he wanted to name uniquely; but things don't really go as planned...not to everyone at least.

"How about...Tay?" Win's friends were scattered inside his room as they tried to name the newly adopted puppy who was sleeping soundly on top of Win's bed.

"Are you for real, New?" Tay glared at the suggestion making Win and the others laugh.

"Babe, I'm just practicing for when Win decides to name his child after you. I mean, Gun named his younger brother after Win." New pointed out before cuddling his boyfriend who really looked offended.

"And I regret that. I really do." Gun admitted with a groan as another round of laughter commenced.

"I was thinking of something like Charlie? Maybe that's too general for a girl?"

Win was still nowhere near his own dog and that made everything more funny. There was still this fear that envelopes him when the puppy's eyes would meet his; as if the dog could actually sense his fear and when it actually starts barking...

Win shivered before collecting himself for a final decision.

"I got one."

"Which is?" Gun taunted with a sleepy voice.

"I'm not telling. You'll hear it one day." Win supplied before fishing out his phone to take distant pictures of his dog.

"Psh, the way you can't even be a foot near it makes me laugh." Tay laughed from the other side of the bed. "And does Bright know you decided to man up and get yourself a puppy who can't bark?"

But Win wasn't listening. He was too focused on breathing too softly so the puppy won't know he was near enough for it to pounce on him.

"I'll tell him later."

Only later never came.

"No, don't wait for me. I have some errands to do for Charlo--- for Mom." Win eyed the pet shop outside his car as he tried to find a parking spot.

"Errands? You went home already?" Bright asked through the phone as he tried to understand Win's voice.

"Hmm, I wasn't able to tell you because you were still in class. Our teacher was sick."

"Oh," There was a hint of disappointment in Bright's voice but he tried to conceal it. He was really looking forward to see Win today seeming as they've been so busy this past week and barely saw each other. "Alright, I'll pick you up tomorrow then?"

Win smiled against his phone at the thought because he knew that Bright lived quite the distance from where he does so for him to offer it like that, it made his heart sway.

"You need to be up early if you plan on that. I want to refuse but I miss you too much to say no." Win admitted with a slight laugh.

Bright groaned on the phone before rushing out his farewell. "I miss you too. Drive safely please, I'm going now."

Once they ended the call, Win was left to figure out just how much does a dog need in its life.

A week passed and the two never got to see each other except for a few minutes in the morning. True to Bright's words, he planned to pick up Win that day but Win had to cancel because the puppy started its baby bark ritual that night and Win wasn't able to sleep.

"Charlotte!" Win whistled as he stood by the foyer ready for school. He would be gone for the whole day due to the incoming school fair that they would be hosting and he needed to remind Charlotte some ground rules.

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