02: 3 am

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 prompt: They're strangers to each other until 3 am comes and their deepest secrets are told in between phone calls and rumpled bedsheets.

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Bright opened his phone again and for how many times, he honestly lost count. It was already 10 minutes past 3 am yet his phone remained as silent as the night.

"He's supposed to be on his daily rant now." He complained as he tried to dive back on his rumpled bed, imagining what agenda his caller would spill today.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello? You're late." Bright answered on the third ring. He hoped it didn't sound like he was waiting for the call because he really wasn't...he was just wondering why it was late...right.

The soft voice from the other end greeted him back with a solemn, "Yeah, I was just finishing my report. I'm so tired."

Bright couldn't decide what he wanted to hear more. The sound of his caller's voice or the whining tone that his caller tried to conceal.

"Win, you're always tired when you call me."

"I know but I'm extra tired today." Pause. Win took a deep breath, wrecking his brain for his next words. The younger lad tried to tell himself it was normal at this point. He'd greet Bright and tell him that he's tired and complain. Complain again and complain.


"She just left. She said she was sorry." Win admitted with a low voice. A part of him hoped that his voice was too soft for Bright to hear.

But Bright heard it clearer than the glass of water beside him. The worst part was that he felt it right through that thing inside his chest. 

Win stared at his blank screen

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Win stared at his blank screen. The evidence of their short call was a sight he didn't want to see. After those words left his mouth, Bright decided to hang up the phone like he was paid to do so. Win closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep; saying a silent prayer that tomorrow, they would watch the sunrise together through hushed banter.

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