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The wedding venue is beautiful, it is placed in massive see through dome with flowers covering every edge letting the sun shine though onto the well decorated tables with a dance floor taking up half the space. We had arrived late but no one really questioned it. As we walk in Hardin's hand on mine and Caleb next to me eyeing up all the girls there. He leaves me and Hardin seeing girls out aged on the dance floor and joins them. Everyone was gathered on the dance floor and some sitting. We looked around but couldn't find the bride and groom until a pouch squeal of excitement came from behind us. Hardin tensed hearing this but we still turned around seeing a lady in a lovely white silky dress and beautiful curly hair and dark skin shined out who ever was in her path giving all the attention she needed for her wedding day. I'm assuming she was the bride.

'Oh my Hardin' she squealed running over to us holding up her dress. She smiled wildly at Hardin but he keepers his dull face the same with no emotion. I hit his arm and he put a smile on and she looked at me and him then engulfed him in her arms.

'Hardin, thank you for coming, I know this must be weird seeing your dad marry again but I just glad your here and your dad will....' before she could speak anymore Hardin spoke trying his best for his tone to stay pleasant.

'It's fine Karen' he says and she nods a simpsfitic nod and turns to me with a whole beautiful smile, showing off her shiny white teeth.

'Hi I'm Karen I'm sorry but I don't know your name dear' she asks putting her hands over mine

'Oh I'm Tessa' I say and she smiles even wider and pulls me into a hug. She must be a hugger. I hug her back.

'You look beautiful by the way and sorry we were late' I say apologising even though she probably didn't mind it just made me feel better.

'Oh thank you dear and that doesn't matter, I'm just glad your here and Hardin I haven't seen him in ages it's nice to know you guys came.' She tells us and looks at Hardin but he is side tracked on something else looking around the place eyeing every corner. Karen hears some people calling her behind which catches her attention.

'I'll see you around tessa don't be strangers go get a drink and dance it's a wedding after all' she says and she give me a last hug and leaves looking at Hardin seeing he won't want any more pity and left us to her friends. I turn to Hardin seeing he still is looking around and move his chin to look down at me.

'What's wrong' i asks and as soon as he sees me his posture relaxes and he's eyes softer into mine.

'I'm fine I just don't like the look of this crowd' he admits pulling me closer to his chest and pulls some lose hair around my ear.

'What about the crowd' i ask curious hey the better of me. He sighs looking at me but still answers me.

'Let's just say my father has invited some well known enemy's of my bang here to celebrate' he says scolding people around the room. I look around but only see men and women in suits and dresses Hardin must see them differently. I was oblivious to the fake that there are dangerous gang members all around us. I felt safe though in Hardin's arms I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

'Well are you ok to stay or are you in too much danger' i asks putting my hand on his chest.

'Me in danger....no I'm worried about you, promise me you will stick with me or Caleb at all times' he demands more than asks his tone is getting more anger and alarmed. I nod my head but that doesn't help his questioning look on his face.

'Please use your words tess' he asks

'I will stay with you the whole night and no one is gonna want me anyway' I say he shakes his head but smiles.

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