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* Hardin's view*

I wake up felling Tess wiggling in my arms, I hold her tighter and hear a small groan from her which makes me chuckle. Then I hear her sweet voice sound through the air.

'Baby we need to get ready' she whispers trying to get out of my arms.

'Baby Uh' I say with a deep sleeping voice and roll over so I'm hovering over her. I hear her breath quicken and I start to kiss her neck but she moves quick and jumps off the bed. I groan and try and catch her but she sprints to the wardrobe.

'Tess get back here' I roll out of bed and go to open the door but she's locked it. I hear her giggle from Inside and I bang on the door that silence her.

'Tess open the door' I say but I hear no noise from inside.

'Tess last time I'm gonna ask nicely, open the door' she still doesn't do anything so I count down.

'Ok 1.......2......' on 3 I was about to kick the door down but the door swings open with my adorable baby in the doorway. I waste no time and run to her pulling her into a  hug, her hair smells like vanilla mixed with flowers. She raps her arms around me as well and I pick her up so I can reach her better.

'Why you so grumpy this morning' she asks as I hold her tight.

'I didn't get my morning kiss' I say with a pout. She giggles and moves my head to make her lips meet mine. I slip my tongue in and she pulls my hair making me moan. The things this girl can do to me. She pulls away and I let her down.

'I'll go make you pancakes, don't take too long getting ready' I say and kiss her one more time and walk out down the stairs to see Caleb and some of the gang members siting on the stools.

'Morning' I greet them and the boys nod back.

'Hey bro what time is the wedding today' I ask Caleb and all heads turn to me with shocked expressions.

'Your gonna go' Caleb asks his voice peaked. I nod, Tess convinced me. I will literally do anything for her.the boys start to laugh at an unspoken joke which kidder pisses me off.

'He's whipped' the boys say but I directed my attention to Caleb, flipping them off in the process.

'It starts around 2 but I suppose we get there a little later so we don't need to have little chit chat with them.' Caleb says and I nod and walk over to the oven to make pancakes for my precious.

'Hardin what are you doing' the boys asks as I try to find the frying pan. They look at each other questionable. I eventually pull out what I was looking for.

'I'm making pancakes for Tess' I stat and start to mix some ingredients together while hearing the boys laugh.

'No way, your totally whipped you have her making you to go the wedding and now she's got you making food for the first time in your life' he says which I just smirk at, they really don't know how much Tess has changed me.

'I can cook, I cooked that spaghetti before' I stat defending myself. The boys giggle.

'Yeah the spaghetti that ended up on the ceiling from you throwing it up like a pancake, it was fine though cause we ordered pizza in the end but like you can't cook' they say and I scold them.

'Can so, these pancakes are gonna be the best' I say and continue to cook until I hear little footsteps coming to the door.

* Tessa view*

Once Hardin left I get in the shower after getting into a white crop top with simple grey joggers and  cover my shoulders with my fluffy bear jacket. I do my hair into a messy bun and wash my face and do my morning routine. As I grab my phone of the bed that I neatly made up it pings to life and Mollys name appears across the screen. I happily accept knowing we haven't talked in forever or even seen each other.
(The bold is molly speaking)

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