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*at bowling*

"YES STRIKE!!!!" I yell in excitement as I turn to all my sad friends gloating because I'm winning.

"That's not fair you totally cheated" molly explains jealous and swings her arms in the air. She siting on Noah's lap and Marcus is sitting opposite.

"Oh don't be jealous you know I'm just way better than you" I say back.

"Could you two stop bickering, you've been at it for the whole two games" Marcus complains and I laugh along with molly.

"Should we get going back to the dorms" i asks because everyone looks really exhausted.

"Yeah I'll go with Noah you hop in with Marcus" molly says winking at me in the dark. I don't what for for a moment then am confused because I don't feel that way towards him.

"Yeah come on" Marcus says and takes my hand as we walk to. It's the wrist Hardin hurt but it doesn't hit anymore but the foundation didn't stay on so you can see it in the light. We get in the car and play music to the way to the dorms.
He parks and takes my hand and is about to kiss it, I cringe thinking Ive given him the wrong idea. when he sees the red on my wrist.

"What happened" he sounds concerned.

"Um I just hurt it's ok" I say jerking my hand away calmly. He doesn't say anything and lets me go. I get out and lean on the window because it's down and look at him.

"Night Marcus I'll see you in English" he smiles and nods before driving off.

as soon as I look up hardin is siting on the stairs into the dorms staring angrily at me. I walk over calm but he looks intense. I thought he was gonna lash out but he didn't he hugged me and pulled me to a car, I suppose is his.

"Where and what are you doing" i asks and follow without any choice.

"Just come don't ask questions" he says bland, with no emotion. I walk faster to catch his speed and we get to the car and he opens the car door obviously for me to get in.

"Why am I getting in, it's late and cold" I tell him, he takes his jacket off giving it to me. I put it on and see a small smile on Hardins lips but before I can catch it he changes to a very emotionless hardin. Is he bipolar or something.

"Get in Tess please I need to explain"he tells me with a scared and pleading look, I obey kinder giving in to him a little. He gets in the other side and starts to drive.

"So where are you taking me" i asks a little exited. He turns to me for a second then turns back to the road.

"Just to a place, now no more questions" he says stern. I scold him in my seat, why is he being like this. I wonder And look out the window.

"Oh precious don't be mad I'm just nervous" he admits.

"And why is that" I ask even though I know he isn't going to answer. To my surprise he puts his spare hand on my thigh and starts to draw circles.

" I just want to apologise properly"he says and we continue to drive, he never lifts his hand from my thigh. We finally arrive at a closed gate. Hardin unlocks it with a card and we drive though to a mansion. Like a literally mansion. My eyes goes wide as i see it.

Long lost family ❤️♾Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum