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They want me dead, all off them.

Everything seemed to slow down, the music dropped from its loud pumping to near to distant noise, people movements weren't as rushed as before. my vision became slightly blurred. the only thing that i could clearly see was him, its like my eyes were zeroing on him only.

Somehow I managed to get to my feet. My actions all holding on to the adrenaline and fear that was the only thing keeping me up.

His eyes followed my movement, they mocked me influencing where I could go now. There was no where to go. I hadn't seen Hardin in ages. I don't need him, but the people he's with could be one of them, they were luring in the shadow where as others were in plain sight where everyone can see but not spectacle on.

Some one pulled on my arm making me come back to reality, everything went back to normal, the lights were brighter and the music got louder, my little panic surfaced not completely but when I saw the worried look on Riley's face I didn't say anything, just nodded when she asks if I was ok. I needed air.

I lean over to Riley and tell her I'm going out side. My eyes consciously shoot back to the guy, he wouldn't do anything with the crowd of people here.

I leave where we were sitting, my eyes never left him. Most fear and worry went away when I saw he didn't look up when I left or went after me.

I slid out of the back door avoiding all the drunk people shout nothings.
The cold breeze hit at me from all angles, it wasn't to cold that I would shiver though. There was still warmth  in the air from the setting sunset. Behind the house there wasn't much just rows and rows of slender trees. It looked particularly creepy at night but it didn't stop me from rooming around the edge.

My breathing evened out to a slow beat, it was the only time I had felt peace since me and Hardin had entered the house, the late night breeze washed across my face. I closed my eyes soaking in the probably only minutes of peace I am going to reserve for the next few years. They aren't going to stop. I know it. Hardin knows it. But I don't know how long we can last running.

Out of no where I was pulled by my top from behind making me snap my eyes open to the sudden attack and dragged into the forest. I struggled to breath with my top strangling me and my feet not being able to walk as I was drag over mud and brunches.

" s-top, HELP HELP, st-op" I yell for help but the house was full off noise no one would be this fare into the forest.

My back was thrown against a tree, the strangling stopped thankfully. I was able to catch my breath. But once I look up, the same dark figure stood towering over me, his tattoos could be seen in the moon light as he peered down at me.

I slid my back up the tree so I stood in front of him. He was even more intimidating When no one was around. My mind went on hey wire. Every little movement made me jump, the wind, the shift of the leaves. The branched crushing under my feet. I didn't know what else to do but scream  .

" HELP!! HARDIN HELP HELP HARDIN, some o-one " my voice cracks with my sobs becoming louder. I didn't notice until a few seconds that he had come closer, my heart beat uncontrollably as if I was on the edge of a heart attack.

" oh little Theresa when are you going to realize, no one cares about you, no one loves you" he took my throat again in a stubborn hold cutting my breathing short, with me gasping to breath he  continued with his speech with no sympathy, each word that came out of his mouth confusing me more and more. " I didn't think it would be this easy to get you by yourself, it seemed like you clung on to your boyfriends arm like it was your life line. oh don't cry little sister, I am not here to harm you" he spook in a patronizing tone as he releases my throat making me gasp for air. I cringe away from his touch as he wipes his filthy fingers under my eyes to wipe the tears. i did nothing for the tear kept falling.

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