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'Hardin, why did you leave me in there with your parents, I didn't know what to to say or do' I ask as I approach him.

'I needed air' he mumbles taking another inhale of the cigarette. Showing no emotion, i shiver again from the chilliness.  I was already a little mad that he left me know he's smoking. Just great.

'Smoking isn't air it's basically cancer in a stick, stop it' i snap snatching it from his hand, not knowing what to do with it in my hand I try to shake it to stop the smoke but that doesn't do anything, just increases the smoke making me cough repeatedly. I try to put it out pressing the end on my palm but it burns into my skin making me scream lightly. I'm so stupid sometimes. Hardin takes it from me quickly and throws it to the floor stepping on it then pulls me to him and spins us around so I'm against the wall.

'Are you okay Tess, why did you just take that, show me your hand' he asks concern clear as day one his face. I bite down on my lip trying to forget the pain. He still hasn't looked at me or even stool a small glance. I keep my hand in mine and shake my head looking at him the thick smell of alcohol surrounding him.

'Hardin why did you leave, I know your father did some bad shit before but I couldn't find you anywhere and I was scared, do you know how many middle aged creeps were in there staring at me' i shiver at the thought, 'and then I find you out here intoxicated and smoking' I stat and push his chest so I can get some space. He looks me up and down, avoiding my eyes with clenched fists, his anger magnified because of the amount of alcohol he has consumed.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck' he shouts pounding his fist against the wall furiously. I stammered back seeing him this way but walk to him as he repeatedly punched the wall braking some of his knuckles in the process.

'Hardin stop' I yell multiple times but see he isn't stopping then seeing his body being launched back from the wall by Caleb stopping him.

'Hardin' I say more softly this time standing in front of him. I caress his cheek to make him look at me but he refuses me with a bitter scold and push me a way slightly walking off to the parking lot. Me and Caleb look at each other defeated. The cold air hits me again and instantly Caleb lays his jacket over my shoulders. I smile at him always caring for me but feel the still sharp pain in my palm. I try to ignore it and we hurry to the parking lot to see Hardin leaning against his car downing a bottle of whiskey. I shake my head at his behaviour and go to stop him but Caleb puts his arm in front of me giving me a reassuring signal that he will deal with him. I nod and step back. Caleb goes to Hardin , making him look up.

'What are you doing man' Caleb says with a stern voice.

'Mind your own god dam business Caleb' Hardin yells just as intimidating and intense as Caleb.

'Oh what you gonna do about it Hardin, drink until you pass out and forget tonight, well sorry mate but today is just like any other day, still having to face your father's happiness while your miserable' Caleb announces sending the life out of me. That was harsh. Before I can breathe another breath Hardin begins to furiously punch Caleb face then his stomach. I stand there with my hand clenched over my mouth shocked then return to reality and stop Hardin.

'Hardin get off him'
'Your gonna seriously hurt him' I yell pulling at his shirt to stop him. I feel tear go down my cheek and I sniffle making Hardin turn to me, his face feel with rage disappears instantly Turning into a softer gaze. This is first time since we were inside he has look in the eyes, we stay locking eyes as I see Caleb get up holding his cheek we're Hardin punched and walks inside holding onto his stomach.

'Hardin' I say with tear stand cheeks pleading for him to calm. He looks away from my eyes but racks my body anger building in his eyes.

'Who's is that jacket' he rages.

Long lost family ❤️♾Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon