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* a few days later*

Im at Hardins house, me and the rest of his gang members well friends are playing about and watching movies. Hardins playing on the Xbox with Caleb.

"I'm gonna go make cookies" I say and get up.

"No don't go" Hardin says and pulled me onto his lap, still staring at the screen. I try to wiggle out but he's hold on me is strong.

"Don't try to fight me tess," he whispers in my ear with his deep voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"Your my good luck charm" he says, I giggle and watch his hands as the viciously move making clicking noises, I look to the screen seeing him shotting people. I tense when the blood goes everywhere. Hardin notices and kisses my temple looking down at me. He pulls me closer and I rap my arms around him knowing he won't let me go. He returns to the game and wins, celebrating by fist bumping Caleb who looks sad cause he lost. I giggle and hardin looks at me with adorable cute eyes. He nuzzled into the crock of my neck.

"I love your giggle it's the best sound in the world" he whispers. I blush and stroke his hair then rap his shoulder, he looks up at me.

"Can I go make cookies now" I basically plead. He groans then smile down at me take my lips on his. His linger their for a few minutes he loses his grip on me letting me go. I kiss his cheek and go into the kitchen hearing the boys fight for who's playing the next game. I laugh at how I've actually started to be friends with the gang members, Hardin introduced me properly emphasising on the 'boyfriend' part and the boy that shot the man, is actually a decent human being just a little messed up but he makes everyone laugh. I get all the ingredients I need out and start to measure them out.

"Tessie" Caleb says walking into the kitchen landing on a stool, he like to call me tessie and I don't really mind, that reminds me I need to catch up with molly at some point, she's called but I haven't been back to my dorms let, to be honest I don't miss it, i just miss her and her knowing what to do all the time to make me laugh.

"Yeah" i reply steering the mixture that's forming a dough. He looks at me and smiles.

"Ok so I need advice, I went to a party the other day and saw this girl I got her number but she was very stubborn but I haven't text her and I don't know what to say" he admits pleading for my advice. I giggle.

"just talk to her she can't be that bad and preside I suppose you wouldn't pick a bitch so if you want to invite her over we could hangout" i say and he smiles and nods.

"I'll see what I can do"he tells me and takes an apple and bites into it. "Thank you Tessie" he continues to say and walks out giving me a tight friendly hug.

I need the dough and add flour to the table to not let it stick when I felt two arms wrap around my waist tightly and his well known to me cologne fulled the air around me. I continue to need the dough and he pinch's my side playfully. I squeal.

"Hardin" he spins me around and looks at me with a cheeky grin on his face, I poke his dimples making his giggle as well. I think of an idea. I put my hand in the flour and hit Hardin around the face leaving a white patch on his cheek. He stumbles back and I clutch my stomach from all the laughter coming out of me. He looks at me shocked then smiles at me deeply. My eyebrows rises but before I know what's happening he rush's over to me and picks up and onto the counter, I land in the flour on the table. I squeal again.

"Hardin the flour" I whisper shout but he giggles and places his finger under my chin and tilts it up to see him, he has the biggest smile. He cups my cheeks and I lean in wanting to kiss him so badly. He deepened the kiss pulling me closer to him, his hands roaming my back eagerly. I pull him closer by his collar and wrap my hands around his neck, my fingers tangled in his hair. We pull away for a breath and he peaks my lips continuously, I giggle and push at his chest.

"Hardin we can't, we are in the kitchen and I'm now covered in flour" i say and he chuckle leaving wet kisses down my neck some parts sucking a little more so it will leave a mark. He wraps his arms around me under my shirt and I shiver from his skin touching mine.

"Hardin" I continue to say, a little frustrated that he isn't listening to me. He lifts his head a places a quick kiss on my forehead before showing me a grin.

"Well let's take this to the shower then" he announced and lifts me of the counter and my legs rap around his waist, he holds me up under my bum, I feel him squeeze it which makes me jerk up. We lock eyes for a few seconds before his lips are on mine again, he walks upstairs like this having a passionate make out. We reach the door to his bedroom and he opens it and goes into the bathroom. He sits me on the counter and I help him take his shirt off and kiss up and down his chest to his neck leaving a few marks. Oops. He groans.

"You have no idea the way you make me feel, Tess" he tells me and we get into the shower and wash. After him stripping me dry of any clothes.

* the next morning*

We are all siting at breakfast, me and Hardin and Caleb with the other gang members eating pancakes, yesterday after me and Hardin finished in the shower we just hangout and cuddles and fell asleep watch Disney movies. I had to bribe Hardin but it only took him picking out my cloths for school today, so that was fine. He choose a grey Nile jumper and some jeans, basically you couldn't see any of my skin. I was fine with it only because I get cold during class but I know why he really wanted to choose my clothes he things I wear to revealing cloths But whatever.

"Hey can you pass the raspberries" Caleb asks Hardin, I notice hardin staring at me which makes me blush , he passes them over not taking his eyes off me.

"Oh yeah hardin are you going to our fathers wedding the invite came today" Caleb asks innocently. I feel hardin tense next to me. I place my hand on his thigh and he calms down looking at me. I know he isn't that cool with his father so I don't want him to feel uncomfortable.

"He wants an answer before last minute otherwise we'll you know, what will happen....he....."Caleb continues not noticing how much Hardin is already on the edge of his seat. Hardin slams the table making me flinch but I hide it and see him storm off and storms  up the stairs. Me and everyone at the table glare at Caleb seeing him now realise that he went too fare. He giggle nervous and stuffs his face with a pancake. I stand up and walk up the stairs hesitantly opening the door hearing crashing and bang from inside. Hardin stood in the middle of the room with no shirt on. Sweat rolling down his chest, and his body bouncing up and down in anger.

He looked so sexy!! No no no stop he needs someone to talk to know not to drawl over.

I think to myself but shake my head and walk in and straight to him and raped my arms around his neck. He stood there calming himself and eventually raped his arms around me picking me up and siting me on his lap on the bed.

"I don't know what I would do without you" he whispered in my ear his hot breath on my neck, I stroked his back softly.

"You won't have to worry about that, I only want you" I tell him pulling his face so it's facing mine. He grins and peaked my lip.

"It's not that, well you see my father and I aren't the best of mates but he's the leading of the gang so I need to take his orders but he doesn't want me seeing you, he says he doesn't want other gangs knowing I have a weakness" he says holding me comfortably. I trace my nail along his jaw line to his chin.

"And what is this weakness of yours"

"You" he stays leavings kisses all over my face. I giggle and squeal push him away but he just hugs me tighter and I did the same.

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