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I walk to school and to my first lesson. It went so slow, dragging time along with it.

I couldn't wait to get out. I didn't pay attentions at all. As I was walking out I see Marcus standing at his locker. I walk over, he has his hood up hiding his face. i tap his shoulder and he lifts his hood, i see both his eyes purple with bruising and cuts on his cheek.

"Marcus what happened to you" I ask, leaning up tracing my fingers along the cuts. he flinches away and pushes me away.

"why don't you ask your boyfriend" he barks and walks down the hall out the back doors to the fierld. what does he mean boyfriend. i dont.....

'hardin' it hits me thats why he and noah had that fight in my dorm, why would he beat up marcus he didnt do anything. i still had a class before lunch so i went annoyed at hardin. hes gonna get a piece of me when i see him, marcus wouldnt even look at me.


I walk into the lunch hall, seeing molly and noah sitting down at a table in the corner. i go over and lean on the back of the chair.

"molls you seen hardin today" i asks and moves in her seat uncomfortably.

"yeah i saw him go out to the field" she announces. I don't say anything else heading out to the field.I walk out to see hardin and some other boys huddled on the bleachers. he turns around and smiles at me, i dont smile back. he jumps up and runs to me, he goes it for a hug but i push at his chest away and glare at him.

"whats the matter precious" he asks asking all innocent. Is he bipolar or something,

I let out a little laugh, is he that stupid that he thinks that i wouldnt found out.

"Hardin, why the fuck did you fight Marcus" i yell at him remembering how marcus acted earlier.

"tess he got what he deserved"he says with a cheeky smirk.

"No Hardin he didn't even do anything" I push at his chest, "tell me what did he do" I yell.

" he took you bowling and we all know what happens there in the dark"he shouts back sounding pathetic and jealous.

"He won't even look at me anymore" I say my voice breaking. Hardin smiles which makes my rage on him go on overdrive.

"Good" he says with a little laugh, "your mine".

He's a psycho.

He moves forward towards me. I push at his chest so he's not near me.

"Hardin what the fuck is wrong with you can't going around be jealous of anyone that looks at me and me and Marcus didn't do anything at bowling and that night I went back with you, there is no reason for you too harm him" I shout throwing my hands up and down in the air. He looks at me angry and jealous.

"Since when did you care for that dick anyway" he questions.

"I always care, Jesus I care too much, and you and everyone it makes it so hard for me to not" I say looking down, Hardin pulls me into a hug but I push out not letting him getting the upper hand thinking this is the right thing to do

"no hardin don't come near me anymore, I've gave you endless amount of chances you just don't want to change your stupid, stubborn ways" i say backing away, I take one look at hardin and see him contemplating in his head, I take this time and run across the field and to my dorm closing the door and sliding down it to exhausted, too tired to cry. I drift of to sleep not moving even though it's still early.

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