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*hardin view*
I don't know why I said that shit about her being pathetic she isn't, I am. I'm that pathetic that I'm jealous of that boy who she looked so happy with but then I just still continue to hook up with random girls. I want her so bad but she's so stubborn and I'm fucked up.

She was about to leave when I pulled her back and crashed my lips to hers. She didn't stop me but I felt selfish because I know she doesn't want me she wants him that boy with the black hair that made her happy. I laugh in my head of how stupid I am. She pushes my chest and I stumble back until I hit a desk. She shakes her head confused and leaves not saying anything, tracing her plump lips on mine I miss them already.

* Tessa view*

I can't believe I just kissed him like what's the hell. I push at his chest and look at the floor . I see him hopeless leaning against the desk and I so want to walk up and kiss him again but I know it's wrong. I walk out and run to pe because I'm late.

I get changed into my sports cloths, they are comfy but the crop top is a bit reveling of my cleavage. thank god I don't have this lesson with boys. molly isn't in this either so its awkward because I don't know anyone. we walk outside and see the boys on the field playing soccer. they stop when they sees us coming, I keep my eyes down while the girls blushed as the boys whistled at them. I look up at my teacher and she was trying to get the girls attention. I hold my arms protectively around my breasts.

"ok lady's we are doing lifting and we need some flyers has anyone done this before." she asks. I used to do cheerleading in high school. I find it odd how we are doing it know but I don't hesitate to step forward, no one else did.

"I can" I say and point my finger in the air, there are some sly remarks about that I'm too fat and she's gonna fall, but I ignore it and the teacher smiles.

"ok Tessa shows what you can do first, can you tumble"she asks. I nod and she moves so I have a clear place to do it. this is simple but I feel everyone's eyes on me. I shrug my eyes and roll my shoulders back. I run and cartwheel into a double flip into a triple flip and end with a roundoff into the splits to just be extra. everyone stops whispering and I look at the girls they are all stunned, I hear clapping and turn to see all the boys and they are cheering along with the teacher. I see Hardin and he claps with them and we lock eyes for second. I bow while giggling and cover my breasts with my hand so the boys cant see.

"thank you, thank you" I say. I like to show off sometimes.

"well done Tessa, anyone else do that'" she looked at the rest of the girls. suddenly this dark skinned girl with brown hair, I think she's Steph. she pushes some girls out the way which I found rude and starts to get ready.

"ill show you what's amazing" she stats flapping her hair. I move out the way to watch and the boys are still. she starts to run and flips but falls onto her foot wrong and it snaps. I rush over when
I see no one else is and she lays there and looks mad. the boys are all laughing at her and booing. I see Hardin is and I glare at him and he stops. I kneel down next to her to help but she pushes me away. the teacher tells one of the boys to take her to the office. she whispers something to me but I don't hear it. she's lucky I didn't because if it was something bitchy I would've wanted her to help her at all. she seems bad news.

"anyway, everyone calm down lets continue. Tessa are you good to be the flyer "she asks me. I nod and she looks at the girls who are too scared to do it. I giggle to myself and volunteer an idea.

"miss why don't I get a boy who can help and show them what to do then they see." I ask and she smiles at me.

"yeah that's great go." she gestures for me to go. the boys are playing and I see Hardin tackle someone to the floor, I clap to get there attention and they all look my way. Hardin sees me and takes his head wear off and starts to run to me. he's about to hug me when I back away. It's too soon I haven't forgot about what happened in the classroom although I don't k ow if I want to.

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