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*Hardins view*

What have I done? Ive messed everything up. I had to leave I knew that it was going to be hard but I know Tessa docent deserve me, although her face when I left broke me. I so wanted to go back and pull her to me and not let go but I couldn't let the filthy man get away with all he has done. And besides Tessa is  better without me. As much as I don't want that to be true it is, I only bring her danger and pain.

My rival enemy  is the reason for all of this. He has got under Tessa skin and it frustrates me that I don't know why. I thought at first he was just going for Tessa to hurt me but there's something else. She said she need to talk to him but why the fuck would she talk to that asshole. I slam the steering wheel with rage that I had to leave my baby. I decided to call up Caleb to distract myself from doing a 180 and heading back to her. I've always got to fuck everything up.

" what did you do" he asks before I can even say anything. I hit the steering wheel visually once again and again remembering the way she looked at me, heartbroken just as much as me but I hide mine not letting it distract me.

" I've fucked everything up, like I always do Caleb" I shout down the line and hear him sigh on the other end. I feel the silence to much, my insides breaking down, knowing I just did everything wrong.

" well dickhead go back and get Tess, she loves you and you love her just as much, why are you stoping this, you literally just got her back." Tells me but I blank him out.

" I can't just do that, I can't keep her safe with me. Every one from the motherfuckers gang is after me, if I'm with Tess it's going to put her more in danger. I'm heading to the mansion is he still locked up" i asks stomping on the pedal that leads the car more away from my love to my enemy.

" do you really think this is all necessary, we could just give them what they want" he stats, I curl my fingers around the wheel tighter.

"HE WANTS TESSA, HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE MONEY" I shout referring to when i was ordered by my father to take everything that was his, he wants it all back. Well he did until he saw Tessa now. I hang up on Caleb before he can say anything else and drive further to the mansion.

Once I get there I just leave the car at the front the engine still, on instructing one of the guards to sort it and I run up the stairs to my room two steps at a time, opening the door, my intention was to grab my gun but all the memories with Tess here just came back. I stared at the bed for to long remembering the nights I slept with her cuddling into each other. I missed her so much though I just left her, I wasn't planing on leaving her to long but I'm just afraid when I go back to her if she won't want me anymore.

I shake my head, deciding to focus and go to my bottoms drawer, my guns sit there under old bed sheets, ones I don't use. I just put them here so Tessa wouldn't find them and get scared. I grab two and stomp down the stairs to the basement where he was. No ones in the mansion anymore, it's not safe but we didn't have anywhere with a cell so we had to take him here.

" Hardin" Caleb calls me as I see him by the entrance door of the basement. I'm so rilled up my blood bumping through my body the adrenaline that I'm so close to killing him is really getting to me. I give Caleb a simple nod and we walk in with the guns to our side. I know he will argue with me about Tess later he's protective of her not as much as me but enough to know I hurt her feelings a lot he'll give me a long speech about how I'm an asshole and maybe even get a punch in, j wouldn't stop him.

" well isn't it the one and only Hardin Scott" his voice sounds through the basement, a little word out by me instructing Caleb to punch him every time he says a word. I don't waist none of my time and stride in the cell, his arms and legs chained behind him on the chair.
I once didn't have anything against him when I was little, when I was young around 12 before all of my fathers doing, he came round and he helped me with homework but I noticed he was very touchy, and not in the affectionate way with my mother, I didn't think anything of it at that age but soon got older and came to know that he was abusing her behind my fathers back.That on its own was a reason he would die but there were very many after that lead to everything getting out of hand. I don't regret it through. He is a disgusting man and he deserves to burn in hell.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" I yell at him not hesitating to shoot both his legs making him cry out like a pathetic little baby. I growl at his existence as he sits in front of me and walk up to him and punch his face multiple times not enough to making pass out though, as much as I wanted to see him lifeless. I needed answers.

"What do you want with my Tess" I say more low and colder than loud, towering tall over his beat up body. I don't know what he had done to my Tess but he will pay for everything and will be begging for death by the end.

" your Tess" he laughs out loud cackling at it as I shoot his arm changing the pathetic laughing to screaming in pain, one which I think suits him much better.

"Yes my Tess, she will also be my Tess, now tell me what do you want with her" i points the gun to his other arm making him tense up.

" at first I was very appealed by the knowledge that you had found someone who would love you through all the bad you have done, and I simple wanting to take her from you, and we'll I soon found out she was very much more important to me that I intentionally thought" he cresses his voice thick with authority like he knows something I don't. I fist my hands and shoot his arm willingly seeing his head still hold a smirk through the pain he holds his head up to always meet my eyes.

" WHAT ARE YOU SAYING" I yell at him to answer. Aiming the gun to his forehead. He shows me a bigger smirk it slowly becoming a suspicious grin.

"You and her are actually perfect for each other, just as pathetic of each other, both just as delusional as each other, do you really need me to spell it out to you. YOU ARE FUCKING MY
D-A-U-G-H-T-E-R" I stared wide eyed at this monster not seeing anything that resembles between them other that there both blonde hair and blue eyes. she is pure, and an angel, my angel and he- he is a revolting monster that should burn in hell. How can this be true he is lying. If Tessa knew this, why didn't she tell me, what would she need to talk to him for? My mind cor led with thoughts not believing what's right in front of me.
I hear his cracking laugh pierce through my ears once more seeing my reaction obviously amused him. I notice I had lowered my gun so I break out of my thoughts and push the top of the gun to his forehead knocking his head back once again, hoping to be rid of him. I glance back at Caleb to see his shocked expression, he wasn't expected this and I can see it.

" I don't care who the fuck you are, you hurt my precious, you will burn in hell" I say everything word slowly with an ice cold glare showing no emotions as my finger swiftly moves to the trigger. My hear creasing with satisfaction as I go to pull it but am stoped dead in my tracks, shocked more to hear my loves voice echo loudly through the cell walls.


( not edited)

Long lost family ❤️♾जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें