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After a very long ride I finally arrive at the front of the campus grounds, I slept two hours though the ride so I'm not that sleepy.
I pay the cab driver in cash he looked exhausted, making me feel a tad guilty. I give him a sympathetic look he was a nice enough guy, he had a picture of his wife I suppose and his kid from them all together.

I pull out my two suitcases and my duffle bag out of the boot its basically everything I have but I left some socks and some other things I couldn't fit but I will just buy some more. I stop outside the building where beautiful light pink trees are lined up to the entrance making the most stunning sight. tons of students were walking around with coffee in there hands and freshman with maps in theirs. I wheel my suitcases to the reception and a nice, rather timid lady is siting there sorting papers.

"um.. hello I'm Tessa I'm new here I was just wondering if you had my time table please"she looks up at me and smiles, it's was short but sweet.

"yes I do dear let me just get it for you" she says in her sweet and welcoming voice and walks over to a cabinet. she is looking though some papers when she looks up at me questionable then picks out a piece of paper, she must be looking at a picture of me, she shakes her head dismissing her thoughts and hurry's over passing it through a gap in the glass.

"thank you" I say and take the paper and see there no picture of me just my name, that office lady must of be seeing something. I heading outside trying to balance looking at the timetable for my room number and steering my suitcases.
I'm in room 67 on the grand floor. I walk into the building and down to the room when I see the room, I go to unlock it when I hear perky girls voice yell down the corridor.

"what are you doing" I turn and see she's talking to me. she has pink strands in her hair and little to no cloths on but also looked like she would kick your ass if you came anywhere close to her. she approaches me shaking her hair dramatically over her shoulder.

" um... this is my room" I say and  she her eyes grow wide and then her loud laughter fills the hallway. It wasn't in a rude way but she more sound nervous.

"yeah, I totally knew that, common let me show you in there" she sounds confident but still a bite embarrassed she obviously didn't know I was her roommate. she opens the door and takes one of my suitcases in which is kind of her. I see her side full of music band posters and boy bands and is an little messy. my side is blank with a simple double bed in the corner and a wardrobe and a bookshelf that curves around the corner, also a bay window which sees out to the courtyard with a cushion so you could sit down.

"I know this dorm is like the best" she says seeing my amused face towards the spacious room and guides herself to sits down on her bed. I take off my jacket and throw it on the bed knowing packing away everything is going to be a exhausting.

"yeah it is" I comment quite exited. I turn to her about to ask her something when there's a knock at the door, I was the closest so I walked over and opened it to a very handsome tanned boy with tattoos everywhere on his arms and wavy brown hair hair. I look up at him and see him looking me up and down like I was, I blush slightly and look away turning to the girl I still don't know the name off.

"there's a handsome boy there" I tell her taking a step away from the door so he couldn't hear. she looks shocked for a moment and gets up walking over to the door seeing him. Letting out a huff as she sees who it is.

" yeah that's Hardin"she says and pulls at his shirt inside. he shrugs her off and looks at me a smirk replacing his the grin on his face.

"I know I'm hot you don't need to say it" he says then plops onto my bed obviously not giving one shit about anything.

"actually I said you were handsome not hot, there's a difference but i can see your cocky and full of yourself so I don't blame you for being confident" I bark back and he opens his mouth to say something but the girl comes up beside me and hooks her arm around my shoulder and cheers loudly in my ear, making me jump a little.

" I'm starting to like you, you know" she says smiling and I turn to her and holds my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Tessa" she smile taking my Hand in Hera and shakes, telling me her name.


"That's a sweet name"she smiles to me and I can see we will be great friends.

Out of nowhere I hear someone laughing. We both turn our heads to Hardin who is know siting up giggling. Molly rolls her eyes at him and goes to sits on her bed and I walk over to Hardin, who has decided to take over my whole bed with his big body being stretched out.

"what's so funny" I ask and stand with my hands on my hips and stare at him in the eyes wanting to know why us introducing ourselves is so entertaining and amusing to him.

"oh... nothings funny" he mocks and I look back at molly who nods to me. Some how  she knew what I was thinking in the moment it felt like we shared a brain.
I turn back to Hardin and he stops laughing and looking between us knowing we were planning something.
I don't hesitate to walk closer to him and pull him by his hair making him groan he groans and I drag him of my bed seeing him he lands on the wood floor with a pond I wounded where I got the sudden strength.

I hear molly laugher sound the room and it's hard to not join her collapsing onto the bed in a fit of giggle from the expression of irritation on his face.

"that hurt you know" he wines and rubs his head at the same time.

" yeah I know it's meant to" I say and collapse in laughter with molly again. then in the next second I felt my foot being yanked and I land on the hard floor, my butt stings as I realise what he did, Molly looks up from her laughter but collapses again in another fit of giggle seeing me now in the floor.

"ouch my ass., you dick" I yell and push his shoulder where he sat next to me with a satisfied grin on his face. It didn't hurt that much and he I. could tell he didn't go hard on me it was probably from a hangover.

"you....two....are....hilarious " molly try's to say through her laugher .

" well if Hardin wasn't such a dick I wouldn't of hurt him" I say and look at Hardin. we were still on the floor but nearer of us look like we had an intention of getting us either.

"well if you weren't such a bitch I wouldn't of been a dick'"he remarks back and i shrug my shoulder to him seeing how it is.

"Good to know we are on the same page then"

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