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Shit, fuck, shit...

I jam open the door to lead out of the toilets, dialling Hardin's number multiple times.

Now he chooses to not answer.

My intoxicated eyes are weary on the keyboard so I can't probably text him, I decide to try his phone one more time.


He really isn't picking up, I scan the room for molly to see her still at the bar but now a raring angered Hardin standing next to her, creasing his hands through his hair he scans the club till his eyes meet mine where I stand stuck, how am I gonna explain this.

"Where the fuck were you Tessa young" Hardin shouts using my whole name, making me realise I'm in deep shit now.

Before I can even say a word, he had stomped to me, picking me up he swings me over his shoulder to which I try to kick him to let me down. I know the alcohol normally just goes to your head when drinking it but this is literally going to my head from being upside down.

A hard smack on my rear bottom stops all my movements. A gasp to how he just smacked me, in a club, in public.

" Hardin let me down, I have an explanation" I try to tell him but he obviously doesn't listen by the loud thud of his boots on the floor, stomping as he goes out the exit.

"DON'T EVEN TRY ME TESSA YOUNG I HAVE CALLED AND TEXT YOU NONE STOP, I THOUGHT YOU WERE AT MOLLYS DORM BUT NO YOUR A CLUB, DRUNK.... Do you know how worried I have been Tessa, I've been going crazy think..."

I stop him as we stop at the car, he lets me down to I see he is still talking, I'm stopped listening at him addressing me as my full name. In any normal situation we're I'm not intoxicated then him using my full name would scare the shit out of me but I can't help my drunk thoughts of how, sexy it sounds coming of his lips. I don't think he has realised how close he is to me but still shouting down my ear, his hips crash me against the car, his face life up by the street light. I couldn't help but capture them to mine, he tended for a second then eased into it as I let his tongue adventure around my mouth. This kiss was hungry and eager, I liked the passion between us but I know he wouldn't take advantage of me in this state.

He pulled away first which let us both take a breath leaning our foreheads against each other, my tiptoes were getting tired but Hardin's hands under my thighs, making me jump up to rap my legs around him, he held me us as our eyes bored into each other.

" you really worried me tess, I can't lose you again" his voice broke into a silent sob, you could only hear from his crackling throat.

" the vicious gang leader has a soft spot" i tease wiping away his tears away.

" only for you tess, promises you won't leave me, and don't ignore my phone calls" he snaps at the end agitated. I roll my eyes at him but nod,

" I must've accidentally but silenced it" I joke hearing a little chuckle back, he scans my face once more before, burring his face in my neck. His lips brush against my sensitive part making me squirm in his arms, he chuckles with his deep attractive voice, kissing my neck making me roll my eyes back in pleasure.

My eyes look into the distance behind him, my eyes locking with ones I thought I wouldn't see agin as he got away before. He watches us for a few seconds before his eyes snap to his phone that lights up. He dashes away.

" Hardin, stop, is there someone down there" i asks so I know I'm not going crazy pointing back behind him, he looks and I look again to see the man not there anymore running away.

He must be a time traveler

My drunken self thinks as Hardin crocks his head, his eye brow raising in question at what I saw.

"There's nothing there tess" he reassures me. Placing me on the floor, he waves my hair out of my face, checking my temperature with the back of his hand.

" I know there was someone there Hardin, just before you looked, he was in the club earlier, just staring at me, and now just then, it's really creepy" I tell him taking a fist of his T-shirt in my hand, to hold my up, he nods his head, he looks as if he's thinking.

" let's get going I'll see into it" he reassures me, opening the door for me, he places a soft kiss on my head as , I stumble in there looking back to where the man was. To see no one again.

I wonder who my new found stalker is....

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