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*abuse warning* Tessa view:

My vision spirals as all i can see is the darkness. My body lays on a cold stoned floor, i had noticed that it wasn't the basement were i had been consistently beaten in this was different. A chilly draft washes upon my body making me tense up. My eye searched the darkens for any possible light. A slight gap in the wall let out a strip of light telling me it was some time during the day. my mind puzzled trying to remember what had happen but it was made all clear when i went to sit up, a sharp stabbing sensation caress through my leg making scream out in pain. i compose myself bite my lip down hard a little blood slipping out the corner while i pull my self up and lean my back against the wall. i wipe the blood away with the back of my hand wiping it on my dress. i want to cry so much but no tears will come out. i lean my head back against the wall taking in a through deep breaths. my body begins to shake from the consistent draft. letting my glace wander across the room. on one wall polls stand the ceiling to the floor making me realize its a cell.

My thoughts run free memory's of my childhood in the orphanage, lonely. always alone. no one talked to me other than the careers. i only had the sweet memory of my mother, they were very limited ones i can remember. it was like a dream, my mothers beautiful long blonde hair flying in the air behind her while i see in her eyes, she didn't look ill, or broken at the time, he looked like an angel. i remember her words as clear as day. " You will grow up to be the most strong and beautiful girl, i just hope you cherish everything this world gives to you. I love you my baby Tessie" she sat with me in her lap in a field of flowers, i will never know if this was a dream but i know its one of the only memory i have of her and i choose to cherish it with my whole heart.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by the clattering of keys jamming into the key hole. my head snapped to what i supposed was the door was swung open a beam of light shined onto the floor in front of me. the outlined shadow of a boarded shoulder, built man stood there. i stayed as silent as i could. Wait could it be Hardin? Has he come to get me? every other thought has been consumed by him every minute, i don't know how long I've been here but i just can hope he will find me. He will i know it. I narrow my eyes as the unknown man stomps in the built-in cell unlocking the chain around the door he clicks his teeth loudly catching my attention.

"the boss is ready for you now"his words come more out at an order than an statement. i quiver away.

" you can tell your boss I'm not going anywhere" my voiced laced with venom. who do these people think they are? i know i'm digging myself a hole right know but i cant have them doing this to me and not fighting back.

"you will do as i say otherwise the boss will be very angry" he talks with a slow voice as if i'm a child in need of an babysitter.

"you are all pig" i yell making sure that anyone here can hear. something snaps within him because he runs over to me forcing me up of the floor slamming me to the wall furiously. i cry out in pain and try to punch him in the stomach but his body docent move or even look affected by this. seconds after he pulls me closer swirling me around harshly into a head lock pressing just about on the pressure point i struggle to get out of his hold.

" you are one real BITCH" he whispers in my ear. his voice more calm but could kill just as easily, make goosebumps appear alone my skin as he lets me out of his headlock my body falls to the floor my leg not able to stand on my own. i whimper feeling the pain caressing through my body. he grabs my for the floor basically dragging me out the room and down stair. my surroundings come clearer as my eyes adjust to the light. i cry out as my knee hits the steps every time he pulls me. i have no strength to stop him, i sigh in relief as we get to the bottom. he pulls me further the blood that drips from my knee lingering on the floor as he drags me. he stops as we get to a door pulling me in and picks me up by my hips and throw my fragile limbs onto a chair, in the middle of nothing.

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