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*abuse warning* (in Tessa view)

" the hooded killers aren't here anymore" he says making me search the room for my rival enemy.


continue: * Hardin's view*

18 hours.

18 hours without my precious. me and Caleb had come back from the wedding were we had seen that the hooded killers our worst enemy weren't there. they had been trying to get my precious ever since they had found out i had a weakness. and they did we have have tried everything from tracking them to searching for hours around the city. i had molly consistently calling me which i ignore i don't need her bickering about Noah and school when i have bigger thing on my mind like finding my precious.

I don't remember how many times i have called Tessa's phone, even though i know she wont answer i still try just to hear her voice come through the other line. it calms me but then i got too frustrated and smashed it against the door making everyone flinch. i left them in them all in the meeting room to get to work to track and find as much information about where she could be while i pass back and forth hoping that them fuckers don't touch her or harm her in anyway. I will kill them all without hesitation.

"boss we have a lead" charlie my new favorite person other than Tess announces making me stand up quickly darting over to him. the rest of the gang members enter after him.

"show me" i order my voice thick with power. he holds out a piece of paper most of the information i don't understand but then a familiar road name draws my attention to.

peak-wood road

" well i guess were going back home"

Tessa view:

my aching limbs braising for the impact of my body crushing against the wall as the same men from earlier tower of my fragile body. they have been consistently bashing and hitting my body over the last two hours of being wake. the drugs the man had given wore off when i woke up but my head still thumbs from the consistent abuse to my body. dry tears are covered with a new set of fresh ones as i try to stumble of the floor only to be kicked down once again, a hard boot being pressed into my spine, while the bastards pull my hair making my me squeal and groan at the same time. moving his face to hover near my ear, his breath washing over my neck making me shiver in disgust.

"ugly whore, your lucky i cant kill you. the boss has given me strict orders to keep you conscious but that he didn't say anything about not hurting you" his alcohol filled breath breaths into my face making me close my airways. he moves his boot that dig into my spine away letting me gasp a breath. he pulls my hair up pulling me to my feet, if he wasn't holding my hair up i would fall.

"what you not going to speak now slut" he yells in my face. Anger boils in my vein at him. i gather saliva in my mouth and spit at him in the face directly. he looks phased for a few seconds then regains his intense look a new evil smirk plastered to his face. making me quiver away in fear. why did i do that?

"you shouldn't of done that Missy" he mumbles and before i know it my body once again is being thrown against the stone way the snap of a joint in my knee pops out of place sending excruciating pain through my body.My body and mind cant take the unbearable pain i fall into the darkness. but not before hearing his vile voice echo though the room.

" well there goes keeping her awake"

* i know its short but the next one is a long one* thank you so much xx

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