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*Hardin view*

Why must my mother always Interrupt us. Every time.....

I huff out of irritation, she hasn't stoped going on at me about grand children, now she is here, cock blocking me from want she wants.

Even though I know I wouldn't of gone that far just yet, I do want children in the future especially and only if there with Tessa.

Just the thought of a little baby girl with light bronze hair running around the living room, along with Tessa captivating ocean eyes fills me with a strong love. I wouldn't want anything else more in the world.

Getting side track for a second I see Tessa nervously biting down on her lip, as much as I want to pull it apart with my teeth, I reframe crushing my lips to hers, knowing she will be more embarrassed.

" what do you want mum" I shout over the water, my voice a bothered at her timing.

" I was just wondering if you wanted, salt or sweet popcorn" she asks back her questions is too innocent, I know my mother too well to know she was try to sneak up on us, not like to see us but to annoy me. She used to do it when I was younger with my alcohol addiction she would stop me just at the good point when you finally start to forget, it's just like with Tess, as I try to get her, my mother always at the door to slam me out. It's gets so much more imitating as Tessa is more that just a silly addiction to me, she my life, she holds my heart in her hands, she has the power to break it at anytime.

" sweet" I shout back to answer her questions knowing Tessa doesn't like salty things.

I look to Tess to see her still biting onto her lip, this time with a more seductive look, her eyes admiring me. Hearing my mothers feet gradually go further and further away, I lean my arm across the wall that Tessa is against, my head nuzzling into her neck, her fresh vanilla aroma coating her skin. She must've washed whiles I was in a daze earlier. Her fingers play with the little hair on the back of my neck, I cuddle my arms around her angel body, knowing I can't go any further right now, it's not the right time.

I decide to enjoy the peacefulness of being in her arms, for a few minutes before she speaks calmly.

"I think we should get out or we are going to have your mum and her girlfriend watching us shower next" I laugh into her neck at her humour.

" yeah, I wouldn't put it past her" I add turning around to get more in the water and to give Tess some personal time to do what she need to, finding myself out of the shower first I wrap the tale around my waist waiting patiently for Tessa with an warm outstretched towel reaching for her to rap around her.

For that she does with a wide smile, she spins around letting me hug her waist from behind as we walk back to our room.

-Time skip-

* Tessa view*

I cant agree more to the fact that this is only the first day around Hardin's mother and that 99% of it have been embarrassing.

I couldn't face Trish probably after the plane incident never mind now after her knowing we just showered together.

The living room was dimed with lighting most of the light coming off the tv and two fluffy quilts, thrown onto the sofas with a box of popcorn and drinks decorating the table.

"you too took your time, common were watching the note book" Trish announces, gesturing for me stuck at the doorway to come in. I hum agreeing to her movie choice, too humiliated I'm going to say something wrong.

Long lost family ❤️♾Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora