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Brothers and sisters can say things to one another 

that no one else can 

- Gregory E. Lang


Third person POV

The two airbenders landed safely on the deck, but Aang fell from the exhaustion he had from being in the avatar state. Everyone on the deck stood in shock while watching the avatar and someone who they just witnessed her bending more than one element. Katara and Sokka ran to Aang's aid, "You can bend more than one element?" (y/n) looked up to the watertribe girl and nodded with a smile. "How is that possible? And how do you know Aang?" The watertribe boy questioned, (y/n) was about to answer until she heard a groan from the 12 year old.

Zuko and Iroh were on the other side of the deck and watched (y/n) talk to the watertribe kids. "Uncle, I need you to come with me so we can question (y/n) while the avatar is unconscious. Iroh said nothing but gave a small nod to his nephew. As they got closer, they were hearing in on the questions the airbender girl was being asked. Zuko stopped when he was right behind (y/n), the watertribe boy reacted by holding his boomerang towards him.

"Woah fellas. No one needs more damage to ourselves or on this anymore than there already is." (y/n) said as she stood between the two boys, spreading her hands to keep that distance. Once they let a section of their guard down, she spoke to the watertribe girl. "Can you tell me how you all know my brother, please?" Both Zuko and Sokka's jaws dropped when they heard her say 'brother'. "Wait, your brother is Aang/The Avatar?!" Iroh joined in by kneeling next to (y/n), he didn't want to be a part of the teen boys questioning of the avatar and his sister through their glares.

"Me and my brother Sokka found Aang in an iceberg with Appa. Aang has told us so much about you." Katara answered with a smile. "Did he now? Has he told you that I make the best egg custard tarts. Well, in my brother's opinion." (Y/N) stated with a sly smile on her lips. The young airbender jumped up with excitement from his spot he was lying in as soon as he heard the mention of his favourite. "Do you have any on you? If you do, can I have some? Please, please, please." She didn't answer him. Instead, her face went from happy to angry in a flash, making Aang really fear what he has done to make her like this.

He gulped and tried to run away. But before Aang could do anything, (y/n) grabbed his forearm. Everyone on the deck was surprised by the sudden action with the two. "Why did you run away from the Southern air temple?! Do you have any idea how worried Monk Gyatso was when he wrote a letter saying that his best pupil and my brother and the world's avatar went missing?! You could've been hurt or killed, do you understand that?" Aang's eyes burned with tears of guilt threatening to come down his face, but he looked to the ocean in the direction of his air temple which he called home.

"Answer me." she raised her voice while firmly, yet lightly, yanked his arm towards her.

"No!" Aang shouted with his eyes closed, then tried to pull away. While the two are arguing, Katara looked at Sokka, telling him it was time to go, while Iroh looked to Zuko telling him to let the avatar and his friends leave.

"No, you don't understand?"


"No, what?" (y/n) said as she looked up as she felt like she was asking the spirits the question more than her brother.

"No!" he whined while pulling again, but gave up and face planted onto the cold metal surface. (Y/N) listened as she heard her brother mumble something through the metal. "Ugh, you are such a pain." Aang got back up, looking at his sister in quite anger, "Then why don't you just sell me and get a pet Turtleduck, like you always wanted instead!"

"At least a Turtleduck will behave better than you!" She countered back.

"Go ahead! Then you'll be happy, because it'll be cleaner than me too!" Aang yelled as he was making his way to Appa. Katara and Sokka followed quietly behind, making sure they wouldn't get in on the heated argument.

"And quieter!" (Y/N) followed Aang, not letting him have the final word. Iroh followed (y/n), so when their bickering got more heated, he could help.

"You'll like it, because it's stupid, like you! Appa, yip yip!" Aang said, making the bison fly, with the watertribe kids on the back in the saddle. (Y/N) couldn't help but shoot water towards the bison, but made sure it didn't hit them. "Go back to the temple!" she roared with fire slightly leaving her mouth. "Don't worry, I'm already doing that! And then, you won't have to see me or dad ever again!" 

"I'm fine with that!" And with that, Aang and his friends left on the bison.


Iroh's POV

It's been a few hours since the avatar and his friends left the ship. As soon as he left, (y/n) and Zuko both left for their rooms, leaving me all alone. 'Well, at least I get to finish my game and have my tea without any interruptions for once.' I thought to myself, but that was the case until someone knocked on my door. "Uncle? Are you awake?" I walked over the door, feeling slightly disappointed that I wouldn't be able finish my tea or my game.

I opened the door and saw my nephew, looking quite gloom. Usually Zuko's moods would be calm or bitter, but this is new and I knew he was thinking hard about something, or someone. "Nice of you to visit me, my nephew. Come on in." He walked in and sat on my bed, looking at the ground. I walked back to where I was having my ginseng tea and waited for Zuko to tell me what has been bothering him so much. "Uncle. I have been wondering if we could talk to (y/n) about what happened with the avatar. Maybe she can tell us how she was alive in the iceberg for 100 years."

I nodded along with what he was saying, while . "Zuko, we won't ask her about her family matters, but we can ask her about how she has gained more than one bending abilities." Zuko responded with a nod and got, as if signaling me to follow him. As soon as we were at the door, we were greeted by one of the guards, "Sorry if I am interrupting, but the chef says that your food will be ready shortly." He said, I thanked him before he left.

(Y/N) must be hungry and it would be and it would give us the opportunity to know her better if she was with us. "Zuko, why don't you ask (y/n) if she would like to join us while I talk to my good friend, the chief about tonight's meal." I said as I walked the same way the guard left, I knew my nephew needed to think of how to ask her to join us for food, I just hope my plan works.


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